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- Let's be for real

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- Let's be for real. He would 100% take you out. I don't think he would find it amazing to stay at home most of the dates.

- But he would be okay if you didn't have the motivation to get out of the house. So personally I think he would take you out in a picnic date.

- A picnic date, maybe near: A lake, forest, museum and more. He would love to enjoy a beautiful view with you.


- Expensive restaurant date

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- Expensive restaurant date. If he got all of those lots of money then of course he should spend it on you.

- Pick you up at 6PM with a Uber and in no time you guys are already arrived to your destination.

- Would pay everything. And if he ever saw you taking out your wallet he would be a little pissed. Since he thinks he's not rich and all that even though you can see only fancy and rich people in the expensive restaurant.


- Cinema Date

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- Cinema Date. Don't care what you guys are watching he just would love to see you enjoy it. So horror, love or anything else was fine with him.

- Buy you popcorn and some drinks. And hold your hand the whole time you guys are sitting and watching.

- Let's say you guys are watching the new Spider-Man movie. He would kind of do some sound affects and compliment Peter Parker on how amazing he is.


- Ice skating for sure

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- Ice skating for sure. He knows it will bring some good memories and wants to recreate them with you.

- he would love to teach you on how to skate if you don't know it yet. Would also tease you a little bit with it where he just leaves you.

- Have a walk later where the sun is going to set soon. Or late night walks. Just down the street where nobody is there. Only wants you.


- The mall or a fashion museum? (Does that even exist💀) but clearly at some place where it would be very fun

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- The mall or a fashion museum? (Does that even exist💀) but clearly at some place where it would be very fun.

- Also take you on a cute date with pink themed place. Maybe even a anime cafe or something.

- Buy you cosplay clothes. I'm pretty sure he would love to cosplay with you and make TikTok's. (Please don't make fun of cosplayers istg🤬🤬🤬)


- I think he would love to travel around with you in different cities very far away from home

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- I think he would love to travel around with you in different cities very far away from home. Because there would pretty sure be a museum he would love to go.

- Or even picnic. He would love picnic in a great summer weather. But if it's winter he would still love to go outside.

- Buy street food for both of you and enjoy time with you. Would love walks too even if Maeum is with you.


- Carnival boy! The rollercoaster would probably be his most favorite and least favorite

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- Carnival boy! The rollercoaster would probably be his most favorite and least favorite. Depends on which one he is going to take on.

- Would go to those toy machines and win something for you. But when he doesn't get to win anything he would be all pouty and that. But knowing he would buy you ice cream would make you happy at least.

- You both would discover fun things together and you would end up sleeping there on the ground as the night sky are still shining bright knowing niki is watching you sleep as his smile will never fade away.

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