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- I think he would be such a gentleman bringing flowers and chocolates along with you so he can give them to your parents

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- I think he would be such a gentleman bringing flowers and chocolates along with you so he can give them to your parents.

- He would never touch you until he knows/feels that your parents like him. So holding hands is okay.

- He would be a big help right after dinner and talk to your dad too that they end up forgetting you exists too.


- Gentleman 2

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- Gentleman 2. He would come to your parent's house and bow, greet, handshake, etc. your mom and dad.

- He would stand still trying not to make a single move go wrong. He wouldn't touch you either because he doesn't want his sweaty hands to touch you.

- Would talk a lot about your future, dreams, and goals.


- The nice funny one

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- The nice funny one. You already told your parents a lot about Jake and even before meeting him, they were too excited to meet him.

- When he knocked on your door you opened it to reveal Jake with something extra to eat meanwhile you guys had dinner together.

- His dad seemed to like him very much and talked about his childhood along with his mom.


- The awkward one

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- The awkward one. He doesn't know what to say since he's nervous and feels like he's not accepted by your parents.

- But because your mom knows how he is feeling he tries to talk to him that turned into a conversation.

- Your dad didn't bother joining but kept glancing at him. In the end, he did like Sunghoon because all of this was just Sunghoon being nervous.


- His confidence level wouldn't even shock you

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- His confidence level wouldn't even shock you. This baby is an extrovert since he was born. So he's talkative which made your parents like him much more.

- You do know that your parents are talkative as well which made you get tired of listening to the rapping. Like these people weren't even talking but rapping!

- In the end, before both of you left you guys also played a mini-board game which made your mom want to play with him more but you were just tired and decided to leave with Sunoo.


- The normal one

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- The normal one. He will be coming inside the house with a bucket of flowers for your mom. Where he shakes his hands with your dad and hugs your mom so she knows he's comfortable with all of you.

- And then he would be helping your mom with the dinner table and later on tell your dad and you that food was ready.

- At the dinner table, he would tell your parents how much you meant to him and how you made him a better person. Not only that he even talked about your future.


- Your parents knew both of you were young and that Niki may not be a gentleman but more childish but they weren't right

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- Your parents knew both of you were young and that Niki may not be a gentleman but more childish but they weren't right.

- He came inside your house to greet your parents. He even asked them if they needed help but they were okay. He wasn't that comfortable since he still wanted to act like a gentleman.

- But in the end, he showed his true colors which made your parents find him cute and love-able. "Aww look at these two crazy love birds" "Mom!" "Thank you, miss"

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