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- He wasn't at home in the first place

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- He wasn't at home in the first place. He came home a little late because of practice. So he was exhausted and that. But he was also confused.

- You were sitting in the living room watching TikTok's of babies and were giggling and stuff. You kept admiring them not knowing someone is watching behind you.

- "I want at least 2-3 babies they are so cute-" But you got interrupted by a voice. "2 babies is enough Y/N because we are going to have a cat too" Heeseung came up closer to you "HEESEUNG?!-"


- You guys were at the mall when you got separated because Jay needed to use the bathroom

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- You guys were at the mall when you got separated because Jay needed to use the bathroom.

- You were waiting for him but forgot and went to the store that was in front of you which was the baby kids' cloth store.

- Jay saw you from afar and saw you looking for baby clothes. He heard you mumbling about how cute babies would be if they had the clothes on. And that made Jay even smile more than before.


- He was resting his head on your lap meanwhile you were playing with his hair

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- He was resting his head on your lap meanwhile you were playing with his hair. You guys were just on your phones not talking.

- Both of you were very exhausted from work and school but that's okay since you guys were together.

- "Aww" you soften. "Babies are so adorable!" He quickly turned his head up to you. "Wait can I see?" You showed him your phone. "Awww"


- You guys were at the ice rink enjoying your date

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- You guys were at the ice rink enjoying your date. It was all fun because other people had fun.

- You saw a 1-year-old kid who accidentally fell so you hurriedly came up to them and helped them up.

- You completely forgot about Sunghoon and started to play with the baby. He didn't care and joined you guys for fun.


- You guys were walking in a park where you wanted to rest a little so you decided to sit on the bench with Sunoo you

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- You guys were walking in a park where you wanted to rest a little so you decided to sit on the bench with Sunoo you.

- You guys didn't talk for a few minutes because Sunoo kept admiring your beauty but was also confused about why you kept staring at the kids while smiling.

- "I love kids Sunoo. They are so adorable" You slowly said. "But I'm much better than them Y/N"


- You both were leaders in a group and had to be in a show with kids

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- You both were leaders in a group and had to be in a show with kids. Well of course you guys weren't friends or anything but you both surely had a crush on each other.

- the meaning of the show was to ask kids questions about their first year in school. It was basically to regain memory and see if anything changed.

- the kids liked you so much that they forgot about Jungwon and he felt outstanding. But he kept smiling at how you were so nice to the kids.


- You told Niki you had to pick up your sibling since your mom/dad was busy at work

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- You told Niki you had to pick up your sibling since your mom/dad was busy at work.

- He didn't mind and was excited to see your sibling. (He loves them) so you guys went to the kindergarten and all the babies/kids were happy seeing you and came up to hug you.

- Niki was surprised at how many kids knew you. He was just laughing crazy because most of them asked you if Niki was your boyfriend. (No he's not, he's my grandpa 😊)

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