Kydoimos/Cydoemus and Homadus

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Kydoimos/Cydoemus= Battle Confusion, Din, and Uproar.
—Ultimate Uproar: Can create or escalate nearly any chaotic situation.
—Chaos Confusion: Able to reboot any creature within their power.
—Uproar Unleashed: lets loose a roar that causes any groups who hear it to fall to complete chaos and/or are unable to work together
—Confusion Cut: Able to enchant weapons to make any injured with them temporarily confused and/or not know what to do with their weapon or plans they had.

Homadus= Battle Noise, Din, and Tumult.
—Cling-Clang Copy: Able to mimic the sound of anything that can be a weapon with their voice or mind. Can throw their voice as well.
Battle Focus: Able to make enhance their focus and clear their mind of all noise around them, making them immune to mind control.
—Cling-Clang Cave: Can cause other creatures to hear only weapon and battle noise within a certain range.
—Tumult OverLoad: Can make anything under someone else's control chaotic and wild by touching them or using their voice. Meaning they can make other demigods lose control over their powers.

—Viceroy Of Vibrations: Able to summon and control vibrations and sound, primarily those of war, tumult, and chaos.
—Dinning Howl: Can emit an unearthly wail that sounds like the most unpleasant noise opponents have ever heard.
—Chaos-Charger: Can draw and store power from chaos and chaotic noise happening around them, especially chaos they've created. Able to draw power from fights of any kind, even sparring, especially if they're loud.
—Din Dicer: Can infuse weapons with chaotic energy. Whoever is injured by said weapons will want to cause chaos and make loud unpleasant noises.
—Aura Of Din: Can make their demigod Aura make the people around them want to fight amongst themselves.
—Ear Emperor: has super hearing and complete and total control over it, meaning illusions with sound won't work on them. Can pinpoint and search through any noise in a barrage of noise.
—Friendly Discord: Able to pull any discordant energy from allies, making them more unified, for themselves or casting it onto enemies, making them fight amongst each other.
—Dinning Slasher: Able to enchant weapons to make any injured with them hear nothing but unpleasant noises
—Conflict-Controller: Can make fights and arguments out of nothing whenever they want. Consumes more energy.
—Chains Of Din: Can summon and control Chains Of Din, chains the render who bounded by them paralyzed with loud unpleasant noise and audiologically chaos

(A/N: Din: making a or/a loud, unpleasant, and prolonged noise.
Tumult: A loud and confused noise, most likely caused by a mass group of people; Confusion and disorder.)

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