Chapter 1

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           Summer time...

My mother and father hug me as i depart them so i can get on the plane in time. 'We will miss you sweety! See you in 3 weeks!' my mother shouts as my friend Amelia grips onto my hand, pulling me towards the plane entrance. 'Love you mom! Love you dad! Bye!' I shout back to them. I'm abit nervous considering i will be away from my parents for 3 weeks. The longest I've been away from them is a week when i went on a school trip to LA. Amelia can some how sense my worries. Well after all, she is my bestfriend.  'You will be fine Mia, we can go to partys, go to fancy restaurants and myabe get tattoos...?!' Amelia asks, slyly. I look at her in shock. TATTOOS?!? My mum is going to kill me. I roll my eyes at her so it is clear i am completely against her idea. 'Aww come on! It will be fun. We could get matching ones on our middle finger or wrist. Only a small one!' I sigh at her suggestion. 'I will think about it.' I grunted. 'YAYYY' She shouted. Her voice echoed throughout the airport. Amelia is one of those people who doesn't care what anyone else thinks. However, i am the complete opposite. I don't like it when people stare at me, i over think and I always end up embarrassing myself if i try to be adventurous like Amelia. 'Tickets please.' The lady said, drawing me away from my thoughts.

After the staff checked our tickets, we entered a tunnel leading to the plain. When we got to the plane, mostly everyone was already sat down, ready to go. We quickly found our seats and put our luggage in the compartments above our seats. I put on my seat belt and got out my earphones,getting up Spotify on my phone. I then got out the book 'Little women' which is my favorite book of all time. Listening to music and reading a book calms me and i need to feel calm considering I'm not keen on the idea of being in the sky. Like what if we crash? What if the engines of the plane stops working? I looked out of the window while Amelia was flirting with a brown haired guy opposite us. She is like a magnet to men. As soon as she starts talking to one of them, they automatically fall in love with her. Amelia knows i can't do that to save my life so that's why she's trying to get me to go to afew partys so i can 'loosen up'. I'm not looking forward to it. 'Hello everyone, welcome to Fly Away Airlines! We will be setting off shortly so make sure you have your seat belts on! Do not be afraid to ask one of the plain crew if you have any questions. Enjoy your flight to Italy!'

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