Chapter 13

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                                                                               The Fight...

Here I am watching my boyfriend beat up this random guy. People are surrounding me as they watch in pure enjoyment. I tie my hair back, getting ready to stop this madness. 

I push through the crowd of people till I'm directly next to the fight. Brian's fist crashed with the guys jaw causing him to fall down. Brain faces away from him, trying to ask if I'm ok until the guy comes behind him and kicks him to the ground. I suddenly felt anger rage inside of me. I couldn't stand to see him hurt.

Without thinking, I walked up to the guy until I was facing him. "Have you finally come to your senses?" He asked with a smirk while his eyes travelled down my body. "Eyes up here mister." I said. He looked directly at me. I wasn't going to take this opportunity for granted.

I threw my fist at his face, causing him to fall over. He looked at me in pure fear as his nose bled. Brian stood next to me with a smile on his face. "You never fail to amaze me." He stated.

"Your a weirdo!" The guy shouted out. I walked up to him with a grin on my face. "Do you understand how weak you look right now? You got beat by a weirdo."  I Said with a wink. Then I walked away as Brian put his arm around my shoulder.

I suddenly got a text from Amelia. "Btw, just a reminder you need to start packing soon because we are leaving o Sunday. luv ya xx." Then it hit me. It's Wednesday. I have half of a week left with Bria before I have to leave him. "You ok?" He asked with concern written all over his face. "I've just realised I'm leaving on Sunday. We have 3 days left together before we have to split up." I revealed with a sigh. "We will be apart for a little while. But I've got your number so we can meet up a few weeks after you leave. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere." He confessed with a smile.

The thought of losing him, makes my gut tighten. I never want to leave him. Ever.

Author's note: (Not part of the story)

Hey guys!

Their relationship is so cute!!!

Sorry for the short chapter!

See you guys tomorrow for the next updateee!

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