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One, two, three hours had passed and Iseul's back ached from the position she was sitting in against the trunk of the large willow tree

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One, two, three hours had passed and Iseul's back ached from the position she was sitting in against the trunk of the large willow tree. She had been waiting for Jungwon to come back.

He promised her. She clearly remembers. Yet, she found herself sitting in the same position for days. Alone.

She promised herself that if he didn't show up this time, she wouldn't come back, ever. It was the third day after that promise, and Iseul waited patiently. Somehow, there was nothing else she'd rather do.

Leaning back into a more comfortable position, she stared at the green leaves that hung over the majestic tree. The smell of nature transporting her back to five years ago, when they first met.

The garden was lively with yellow roses and pink tulips, a combination that could make any heart flutter. She first saw him picking a flower in the distance. It was different then, she hesitated to approach him, awkwardly waving a hand from across the bushes. Her cheeks turned pink in embarrassment, but a smile grew on her face the moment he waved back.

She was afraid he wouldn't like her, she didn't usually talk to other people her age, always stuck in the castle and all. She was surprised when they grew closer quickly.

It became an everyday occurrence to stroll through the gardens together. Sometimes they would see Jungwon's sister walking or talking with Iseul's brother. It was a peaceful time, that was, until he disappeared. Without a word, he was gone and Iseul was left alone again.

A rustling in the distance made her snap from her trance. The happy memories were turning into ones she didn't want to remember. The times that followed his absence ate at her soul.

"Jungwon?" She asked to no one in particular. Then, from behind a nearing tree, came forth his figure.

She beamed at the sight.

Jungwon had wondered if it was really okay to go there. He wanted to see her again, but wasn't sure it was a good idea. After all, he had left her hanging for days now.

He came with the thought that she'd given up by now, sure that she wouldn't still be waiting after all those days. But when he saw her shading under the willow tree, his heart betrayed his head, bringing a small smile onto his lips.

"You came," she said and he nodded. "Well, where have you been? Do you live nearby?"

"Just... in the woods."

"Is your family with you? Your sister?"

He only nodded.

Iseul bit her cheek. The encounter wasn't comfortable at all. The air hung heavy over their heads, he was barely responding and, at the chance of seeming like a bigger fool, she asked what had been weighing on her mind, "Jungwon. Can you tell me how you did that?"

His eyes sharpened then looked away, "what are you talking about?"

"You know... the water. I saw it. It was like... magic," she took a step closer, nearing their distance under the tree's branches. He only stared at her. Silently omitting her questions.

"Why won't you tell me?"

"There's nothing to tell. You saw wrong."

She huffed. How could he be lying to her face like this? "Well then, will you tell me why you left?"

He visibly gulped at the question, "I can't."

"Can you tell me anything?"

He kept quiet.

"Are you... at least, glad to see me again?" Her voice was laced with slight desperation. All she wanted was for him to be back. To be the same boy she knew five years ago. The boy from the garden she liked so much.

"I shouldn't have come," he turned and started walking back into the woods.

It took Iseul a few seconds to compose herself. A rock—heavy and painful—planted itself onto her chest as she watched the back of his head move further and further away.

Was he really leaving like this? Is this what she had waited all those days for?

"Hey! Where are you going?" She called out. At the lack of response she took it upon herself to follow behind him. Questions not ceasing.

"Why did you even come if you were just going to ignore me?"

"You shouldn't be here. It'll be dark soon."

"I can be wherever I want. These are my kingdom's woods, I- Ah!"

Before she could even realize it, Iseul felt herself slipping; her foot had been caught in some sort of trap. In a quick glance she saw the deep hole created under her and could only close her eyes bracing for impact.


At the lack of pain from the fall, she slowly opened her eyes to see her feet hovering in the air. Jungwon's arms circled around her waist and the back of her knees, holding her up and off the ground. Only when she looked down did she realized they were flying.

Her heart rammed against her ribcage at an uncontrollable speed. Their eyes met again. His were laced with worry and fear, and hers with surprise at the sight of a pair of shining, iridescent wings that sprung behind him.

"What are you?"

"What are you?"

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