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Bells rang at the entrance of rich and powerful strangers

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Bells rang at the entrance of rich and powerful strangers. Iseul had never seen so many people. This wasn't the first ball she'd attended, but it was definitely the most lively one yet.

She found herself at the door. Not a usual place for a princess to stand, but she couldn't control her feet when they took her there. A far-away smile on her face as her attention barely swayed to the guests, mind too preoccupied with finding his silhouette approach through the vast royal gardens.

"Iseul," her brother called out, "you should be inside. Mother's looking for you."

Kihyun had always been adamant Iseul follow their mother's rules, siding with her almost every time. She knew he had her best interest at heart, but sometimes she just couldn't understand him. Maybe it was their eight-year age gap, or the fact that he took over the role of their father so young, but it seemed to Iseul that he often didn't know how to talk to her; like he had to be careful with his words.

"I'm waiting for someone," she replied.


"A friend."

"Well, you'll see them when they get here," with an extended hand he stood in front of her, a kind smile on his face, "you won't deny your dear brother a dance now, will you?"

Taking her eyes off the outside pathway and onto her brother she smiled and took his hand. She couldn't deny him a dance after all.

Back in the ballroom, couples mingled and gossiped. She paid no attention as she danced through the vast room with Kihyun. It was a nice moment, one she knew would become a core memory later. She didn't think she'd genuinely have fun at one of these events, but that proved wrong as she twirled, her pale-peach-colored gown swiveling at the motion and contrasting against the white and blue of the walls.

In one last twist, her eyes cascaded through the crowd until they landed on the ones she'd been waiting for.

Across the room, in gold and royal blue, stood a sleek-haired Jungwon. All air left Iseul's lungs at the sight.

He stared back at her for a few seconds before looking around and exiting the room. Iseul's brows furrowed in confusion. Where was he going? The song had barely come to an end and she wasted no time in excusing herself and following after him. His silhouette quickly disappearing through the crowd.

She reached the garden, with the sun fully set now, the only light aiding her eyes was the moon. Her fast steps betrayed her, making her stumble on a small rock and nearly toppling over. With a hand on her chest she tried to control her heavy breathing, she didn't think she had run, yet her legs were almost giving out as the sensation of faint overtook her body.

Quickly, without leaving a chance to fall, Jungwon's arms encircled her waist, holding her in place.

She gasped at the touch.

"Are you okay?" He asked, worry painted his features.

It took her a second to compose herself. She realized this was something that happened more often than not when he was around. And when her breathing calmed down she replied, "I- I'm fine."

"Sorry," he said, realizing the closeness between them and letting her go from the abrupt embrace.

With flushed cheeks Iseul adjusted her dress, "what are you doing out here?"

"Oh, uhm... it's really crowded inside. Just wanted some air."

She hummed, "you really don't like the palace do you?" They were now strolling through the yellow roses.

"I like this garden. It's my favorite place here," he smiled, taking in the view of the place. It looked the same as five years prior, so lively—even at night.

Iseul took in her surroundings. She had spent so much time thinking of how to leave the place that she'd almost forgotten how peaceful it could look at times like these.


She turned at his voice, eyes falling from his own to the flower he held between his fingers. Surprised, she hesitated before taking it.

"A white orchid."

"Is it bad? It's probably stupid... giving you a flower as we stand in your garden."

"No," she quickly replied, "I love it. Thank you."

And she did love it. She would hold it dear forever. Shyness enveloped the air as the two walked side by side in a peaceful silence.

They approached a fountain surrounded by beds of colorful tulips. The place where they had first spoken to each other. Memories of the time surfaced in their heads as they sat on a nearby bench.

"Safety, elegance, innocence... that's what orchids represent," Iseul spoke.

He watched as she admired the flower with rosy cheeks. Vision closing in on the strands of hair cascading the side of her face, on her eyes that looked at the flower so attentively, on her nose, on her lips.

"And beauty," he added.

She faced him, eyes locking once again. Heart beating loudly against her ribcage at the closeness.

"I wasn't sure if I should come, but seeing this place again... seeing you. I'm glad I did."

His words laced the wind with sincerity, a scent Iseul had longed to smell. Everyone around her would constantly walk on eggshells, but not him. Jungwon was real, honest; and she felt herself falling for him more and more by the second.

The sensation of butterflies swirled in her stomach when their hands brushed together. It was soft, an almost invisible touch, but she felt it, and so did he. Pinkies slightly gliding one another against the cool marble of the bench.

If only she could stop time. Right here, right now, she wouldn't hesitate to do so.

But, as if waking her up from a dream, she heard her name being called in the distance.

"Princess? Where are you?"

It was her caregiver. One of the butlers that helped raise her, Mr. Sim.

Iseul turned towards the sound, debating what she should do.

"Go," said Jungwon, "it's getting late." He stood up, offering his hand for her to follow suit.

She took it, "thank you again. For this," she motioned to the flower. He opened his mouth to reply, but the air go stuck in his throat as she leaned in and quickly left a peck on his cheek.

Iseul ran towards the castle, a bright smile spread on her lips. Jungwon stood frozen, a hand lingering where the feeling of her lips had set.

In that moment, he too felt himself falling for her.

In that moment, he too felt himself falling for her

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