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"Where are we going?" Iseul was a bit disoriented, she had never been to this side of the woods

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"Where are we going?" Iseul was a bit disoriented, she had never been to this side of the woods. "Wait, this is-"

"Our willow tree."

She could barely recognize it. Could it be the hour of the night? Or the time of year?

The air sparkled with fireflies, adorning the creek's bank and resting on the long branches of leaves that cascaded next to it. It couldn't have been that late, but she swore she could smell the scent of morning dew coating the green grass beneath her feet.

Jungwon took a step towards the creek, turning to face her before walking backwards. Mesmerized by the sight she hadn't realize how close he was to the edge.

"Careful!" She yelled when his foot peered into the water. But instead of sinking, he hovered. The water shining in bright blue under his feet.

He extended a hand, "may I have this dance?"

Iseul stood in awe. He could do that? Slowly looking over his figure, she took a step forward and placed her hand in his.

"How do I-?"

He wrapped an arm around her waist, lifting her to be standing on his feet. With their bodies flushed together, heat pooled at her cheeks again.

"Hold onto me," he whispered and she slowly placed her arms over his shoulders. His own holding her waist.

"But, there's no music."

She looked up at him with a million stars in her eyes, it didn't really matter if there was music or not. The loud beating of their hearts was already creating a tune.

He softly started to move, humming a melody she'd never heard before. The sound of his voice was entrancing, reminding her of the chant she had followed into the woods all those weeks ago.

Peering down she saw their hovering feet, right above the water. One step back, one to the left, the glowing followed their rhythm.

The moonlight shone brightly above them, leaving it's stamp on the still blue water. It was almost unbelievable to Iseul, how this could be happening. The magic of the moment left little room for any thought other than Jungwon.

They moved at a slow pace, together, under the moonlit night. Small specks of light flew around them in what seemed to Iseul like perfect synchrony.

Feeling at ease, she rested her head against his chest. With eyes closed she felt the vibrations from his song resonating through her.

"This is surreal," she whispered.

"Open your eyes."

Water droplets, perfectly suspended in the air around them, followed their every move. Dancing with the wind and the fireflies.

From where she was standing, the willow tree had never looked more beautiful, and so was he. He was that and more.

Their eyes met. She looked at the small birthmark above his eyebrow and wondered how even that could be perfect.

"Iseul?" His voice was low, barely above a whisper.


"Can I kiss you?"

"Yes," she softly replied.

The air was still in the second before it happened, but as their lips touched the whole world seemed to spin faster. It was all she ever wanted. All she ever thought about. To share this moment with him was like a dream, one she never wanted to wake from.

It was simple, soft, yet new and exciting. Their lips molded together with the taste of belonging.

That's how they felt. No castle, no village, no anything, just them; holding each other suspended on air at the roots of their beloved tree.

 No castle, no village, no anything, just them; holding each other suspended on air at the roots of their beloved tree

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