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When he first invited her she thought he was joking

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When he first invited her she thought he was joking. He called it a small thing, but it was rather a town activity.

"You know, where I live we also throw parties. Not as fancy and yours with the caviar and expensive dresses, but their fun," Jungwon smiled.

That day she went through a million choices of dresses to find the perfect one. She didn't want to stick out, or to seem "too formal"; she had never been to the other side of the woods before.

When she reached their willow tree her heart fluttered at the sight of him. A white button-up behind a black open vest and an old beret. With hands in his pockets, he leaned against the tree, a supple smile on his face as she approached.

Without much speaking, she let him hold her hand as they ventured through the woods.

She couldn't shake the wonder off her face when they arrived at a small village situated right at the edge of a mountain. It was homely, and warm, and Iseul had never been to a place filled with such genuine laughter before.

The music came from old banjos and violins along with makeshift drums people were playing. Windows were open—people chanting from them.

This must be why he didn't want to go back to the palace. Who'd want to stay there? With its cold walls and strict rules. It was more beautiful on the outside, in the countryside, in this village. Where the air smelled of fresh bread and a fireplace, and children ran around the plaza—their joy contagious.

She looked around, then back at him, and with a mischievous grin she pulled him to the center where people were dancing.

"C'mon! Show me some moves!" She teased and he laughed.

Placing his hands on his hips he replied, "you're getting a little brazen aren't you, Seulie?"

She placed a hand on her chest with a fake gasp, "that's not a way to speak to your elders, Wonie."

With a grinning bite of his lip he started shuffling his feet to the beat. Iseul clapping at his moves before he took her hand leading her in the folk dance.

Eyes as crescent moons they danced and jumped around the plaza. The music changing tunes, one always more cheerful than the last. The only time their hands separated was when a little girl pulled at the seems of Iseul's dress.

"I want to dance too," she pouted and Iseul couldn't do anything but make way for the child to steal her partner away. Jungwon shrugged with a laugh and took the little girl in his arms, spinning around a few times as he kept dancing.

She watched as the music shifted again, and while placing the child down she stole his beret and ran away yelling "mine now!" He looked at her with confusion and then a Iseul who was mirroring his expression.

Slipping away from the crowd he joined her on a nearing bench, he plopped down slightly out of breath and huffed a few times.

She looked at his disheveled hair and ran her fingers through it in an attempt to fix the scattered strands. She placed a blue string behind his ear, fingertips softly brushing against it. She didn't think much of the touch, but Jungwon's heart ached at how close she was in that moment.

"Should we get going?" He asked, clearing his throat.

"But we're having fun," she said.

"There's something I want to show you."


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