~ epilogue ~

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They walked one last time through the pink and yellow garden

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They walked one last time through the pink and yellow garden.

One last look back at what had determined their fates for years, before strolling down a new road, a new path, where they would find a new garden, one of their own, one whose colors they'd get to choose.

Discharge papers in hand, Iseul smiled at the building she was finally leaving behind.

Jungwon looked at her expression, "what? Don't tell me you'll miss it," he raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think I'll miss it. Definitely won't miss being sick," she turned to him, "but I'm kind of... scared?"

What would life be outside of the hospital walls—the white and icy-blues that tamed her and protected her? What could she expect of the real world?

She spent so much time living in her own head that she didn't think of what she would do once her dreams ended.

"Don't be," he smiled back, "you're free now."

The hot summer air swirled their locks with the scent of new beginnings. He was right. She was free, they were free.

Hand in hand, they turned around and headed beyond the woods that circled the place—the hospital; the palace; the magical yet painful land of Iseul's imagination.

She no longer needed an alternate world to escape to. Not when he was here. Not while holding Jungwon's hand.

And he too didn't look back once.

Ready to start a new adventure, one that would feel real for both of them, they basked in the joy of the outside world.

An unrestrained life in front of them to live.

A life that was real, a life that was free.

A life that was real, a life that was free

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