Chapter 6

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It's been about three hours since they left for Dark Mori..they were just leaving the town..they had everything with them,well save for Yugi and his thoughts,something he was running out of on what to talk would be another day or two before they would arrive at their location...that is when Yugi got out his deck of Dueling cards,causing Atem to glance over at them and wonder what they are before he finally spoke up about it.."What in the world are those?" he asked,sounding curious..Yugi smiled "You don't know about duel monsters? You must be kidding me" he said with a small chuckle and a smile.."Duel...monsters?" Atem questioned even more, Yugi just shook his head "This game started all the way back in wasn't called Duel monsters,I think it was called...ah..what was it that my Grandpa said they called it back then? Diaha I think it was...and they used something that looked like Duel disks..they were called DiaDhank"..this had Atems interest,seeing as he had come from Egypt..Yugi kept going on about how the game was played back then up till the present day..Atem tried to make sence of it the best he could,that's when he smiled and laughed a little "Well..from how you put it..I'd like to try this game sometime,of course when we both get out of here that is..if we ever do" he said as he kept the smile on his face, Yugi nodded "So..are there any games you like to play,or know of?..." he asked Atem suddenly, causing him to think ",you wouldn't like to play them anyway" he said as he looked away slightly, Yugi tilted his head when suddenly one of their stomachs rumbled, Yugi blushed at this and Atem just sighed "We better stop for a while and get some food...seems like we're too far from any town at this point.." he said as he looked around..they had been walking for what seemed like hours at this point...once they found a well hidden spot for the night,they started to set up and get out what food they brought...once things got all set up,and the food got cooked if it needed to be,they started to eat.......a few hours later, Yugi was sitting there looking up at the stars alone, Atem noticed this and sat besides him, his eyes slightly glowing red in the dim light made by the fire..he softly put his hand on Yugis hand,causing Yugi to look over at him...
"Yugi...listen...I have something to say..."
"What is it,Atem?"
"I-..." Atem shook his head "'s stupid.."
Yugi smiled "Please..tell me, what ever it is..I'll listen"
Atem sighed "Look...I think this journey should end once we get back..."
Atem rubbed the back of his head "Well...I..I think you should stay here..with me" he said with a faint blush on his face
"Huh?...I thought you wanted to leave out of this mirror..out of Nexus.." Yugi said,sounding confused
"I's just..what if there's really no way out of here?...Please..I don't want to be alone here anymore"
"Atem...are you trying to say-"
"-That I am starting to fall for you?"
Atem smiled softly "What if I told you..that I am? What would you do then?"
Yugi blinked but he returned the smile "I would be ok with that...I've been alone too,I mean..besides my friends and grandpa..I'm mostly alone when no ones around" he said as he looked away, Atem sighed and was unable to prove his words on the fact that he was indeed falling for the otherworlder,Yugi....however,once Yugi had gone to bed..that is when Atem worked up the courage and laid beside Yugi..oddly..Yugi had never felt such warmth before from another like Atem...he curled up into Atems embrace as he slept, Atem smiled at this 'Sweet darkness...he is so adorable...I don't think I'll be able to handle this' he said to himself in thought before drifting off to sleep himself...

A shaken hand...
He was swimming in red as screams were heard in the darkness only to be caught by the gentle touch of a hand that he had once held....a voice screamed out,a hand out one could hear or see him...the only one who could was-
Yugi had suddenly scared himself awake..."Man...what was that? more snacks for me before bed..." he said in a mutter to himself as he looked around,only to see Atem laying there on his back besides him, Yugi sighed abit and just sat there,looking at the stars again until he eventually fell back to sleep...
A deal with the Darkness...
A dance with fate...
Covered in red...
All as the Pharaoh of this land watches over...
"Please...I didn't mean to!...I-...wait...don't leave me here!"
He screamed out...he reached out...but nothing one heard
"I..don't want to be alone anymore...I..I want to go home!"
As the night went on...Yugi started to cry in his sleep slightly, this had woke Atem only for him to question on what was going on.."Mnh..Yugi?.." he asked as he looked at the sleeping boy, he tilted his head some only to try and comfort Yugi "Why are you crying for?...You have no need..I am here" he said in a quiet mumble to Yugi, who seemed to calm down some to hearing Atems voice...he seemed to be having a nightmare,but of what?...that's something Atem would have to put together for a while as he continued to calm Yugi down....
"No...wait...please..I-...I don't want to be here alone...I-"
A gentle touch...and soft whisper...
No more red...
No more screams....
Only the stars...
"Where am I?...Do I even..belong here?"
Yugi would slightly nuzzle into Atems side for extra comfort,causing Atem to smile at this as he still tried to piece together the cause of Yugis nightmare...
"Maybe..I'll ask him about it in the morning...:" He said with a soft yawn,soon returning to his slumber for the night as he held Yugi close to him

What is up with Yugis dreams? Atem the cause of them..or is there something or someone else to blame for them?...what will happen once they reach the forest?...stay tuned! 

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