Chapter 12

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Still inside the room he was brought too..Yugi looked around before getting the pendant out of his pocket ' alright Atem...wherever you are' he said to himself in thought as he looked at the pendant..shadows started to come from the item,slowly covering the floor and walls of the room,and slowly wrapping around Yugi in a protective manner..meanwhile,Atem had his search parties looking high and low for Yugi,his plan that he had in mind couldn't go through without Yugi around,so he wouldn't stop until he was found...back with Yugi,who was now inside a bubble of darkness thanks to the pendants magic..he just sat there,quietly praying to himself..that is until the voice was heard again...
"Now...since you've been in silence long enough...let's try again...give me the pendant and you may go" the voice said,only to met with an eerie silence,the one behind the voice got frustrated enough..."You will give me that pendant or you will be here for the rest of your life,boy!" they suddenly yelled only to be once again met with an eerie silence..Yugi just sat there in his bubble of darkness,trying his best to ignore the voice....after a while of more silence,a door of some kind opened,and the one behind voice stepped into the room,he had light blue hair that was back in a loose ponytail,his eyes were that of heterochromia,one being a green color while the other being a gold color,he seemed to be wearing some kind of formal outfit.. He went over to Yugi,only to be knocked back by the very darkness that was around the boy...
"Agh...what the?.." He said as he was knocked away..."You..shall not..." said an eerie voice from what had attacked,the man looked around only to get up and try to go over to Yugi again..however he once again got knocked away...he was shocked at this point,the pendant that he had wanted was protecting a small child that wasn't even of Nexus...though the bubble around Yugi would lower itself a small bit so Yugi could get a look at who nabbed him..
"Who are you...and why did you bring me here?"
"Hmh...that pendant seems more valuable than I thought..."
"Answer me!"
"I am Dartz....and I brought you here for a reason child"
"That reason is...?"
"You want to go home,correct?"
"I can help you..but I need that pendant let me have it"
Yugi looked away and thought to himself for a while before looking back up at Dartz
"'s my only way of getting myself and Atem out of here,you can't have it!"
Dartz grinned to himself "What if I told you..that your pharaoh friend was just using you to get out of this mirror world" he said in a lie,Yugi shook his head in disbelief.."It's true,I heard it first hand" Dartz would say,lying once again..Yugi looked away again "Why would he...he wouldn't lie..not to me" Yugi said in a slight heartbroken tone,only when he looked up at Darts again,he had his hand out to the boy..
"Come..I will never lie to you,nor use you..I can get you home..all I need is that pendant you found"
"I won't leave Atem wouldn't be right..lying or not"
"Why don't we make a deal then..."
"A deal?"
"You give me the pendant...and I will see that you and that pharaoh of yours get out of this world"
Yugi looked down and started to the time Atems men had found the place Yugi was was already too late...Yugi had took the deal,though he still held onto the pendant...but it wasn't long until Dartz had it... once Atem showed up however,that is when things went from worse..
"Ah...Pharaoh,happy to see you here"
"Well..I never thought I'd see your ugly face again,Dartz"
"You and your rude comments,you know..I never liked you much.."
"Come on Yugi..let's go" Atem said,pulling Yugi along with him only for Yugi to stop in his tracks "Wait..." atem tilted his head at yugis voice.."Is it..true that you want to use me..only to get out of here?" yugi had suddenly asked,only for atem to make a fist "No,that was not my intent...who told you-" ....."Dartz did..he told me that you only wanted to use me.." ...Atem looked at Dartz,a fire now burning in his eyes...
"Dartz..why did you lie to him?"
"I got what I wanted..and now you get what you want"
"That would be?..."
Dartz held the pendant up,causing Atem to go wide eyed "You..took it?!"
"No...he let me have it" Dartz teased causing Atem to look at Yugi,who was looking away "Atem..I'm sorry..." he said in a sad tone,Atem looked back at Dartz and suddenly pinned him
"Oh..why so hostile? Your friend wasn't harmed...I only wanted the pendant,honest" Dartz had said,almost laughing...Atem growled and started to wrap his hands around Dartz neck,slowly starting to choke him..his eyes where that of unfeeling anger...he kept his grip on Dartz,Yugi had went over to him and tried to stop him,through his words fell on deaf ears..not a single one got through to Atem...that is until something started to pull Atem away from was the very darkness that had protected Yugi earlier..this time is was protecting Dartz,only it didn't come from came from Yugi...once Atem had been pulled off ,he was suddenly held back by Yugi...Dartz had dropped the pendant at this point,Yugi took it from the shadows that hand gave it back to him...Atem glared at Dartz who was trying to get the air back into his body...soon enough he and Yugi left with the men that Atem brought along...

Once they got back to Atems palace..Atem went to his room and just sat on his bed in silent thoughts...after an hour or two,Yugi went to check on him,only...what he saw wasn't pleasant...
Blood stained the bed and abit of the wall...someone was in the corner of the room,their back slightly dug into by fingernails...they had the look of pain on their face,Atem was still sitting on his bed,but he looked up once the door opened...Yugi was silent about what he had seen once he opened the door,Atem got up and went over to him...
"Yugi...speak to me"
Yugi only shook his head "What...did you do?" he asked,his tone sounding shocked and frightened..
"I..." Atem started to say out of hesitation.."I couldn't take it out on I took it out on one of my servants..."
Yugi was horrified..he backed away slightly only to get grabbed by Atem "I have something to please listen"
"What...that you enjoy taking your anger out on others?" Yugi asked,scared...Atem shook his head..
"No...I want to say...that I'm sorry that you had to see my dark side come out and that you had to see...this..." Atem said,hiding something in his tone of voice,Yugi let out a sigh "Fine...just..control yourself,hurting others isn't exactly the best way to let your anger go" he said as advice,Atem nodded some....

Later that night,as Yugi slept..Atem came into his room...he smiled at Yugi but then he took the pendant and left,quietly shutting the door as not to wake his sleeping partner...he would then pack up a few things for the morning before going to bed then the mess had been cleaned and the one in the corner had been taken to a medical long as Yugi was around,what Atem was planning would soon come to life..

Whoa,what is Atem planning? And will Yugi catch on to it before it's too late?...find out in the next chapter! 

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