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"It's been a few years since everything has happened..since I met Atem and helped him get out of that mirror he was trapped in...things have been going fine,despite the slow spreading chaos that's been going on..we both live in isolation so hardly anyone comes to see us,my friends and grandpa call but not very often since they're busy...though I can say one thing,ever since we made the world ours..there has been something going on with Atem,something that bothers me...he keeps asking for something that's new to me...I have no idea what to say for an answer,but I hope I find one just so he won't get upset,I don't like seeing him that way"

Nightfall over the palace was always something that Yugi liked watching ever since he and Atem had settled somewhere,though he had no idea that things were about to change...Atem,however,would just stand there,quietly watching Yugi as the sky lit up with stars..he wanted to ask what he had been asking Yugi for years now,but oddly he seems abit dry mouthed on words,though that wouldn't stop him from going over and standing with Yugi...
"Beautiful night,isn't it Yugi?" he asked with a soft smile,one that hid a question..
Yugi sighed "I know what you are going to ask me..." he said,as he tried to rack his brain for an answer..
"Oh..and what would that be?" Atem said,with a sly smile on his face...
"You know what it is...we've only been together for what...five maybe six years now" Yugi said with a slight shake of his head,Atem smiled and took one of Yugis hands in his "Yes..we have been together that long,haven't we?..." he said,a sly tone in his voice..
"Well,if you are going to ask it then ask it...I just won't have an answer for you" Yugi said as he looked away slightly,Atem sighed but shook his head suddenly wrapping one of his black wings around Yugi,pulling him close and making him blush...after hours of watching the sky,the two headed inside,Atem then dragged Yugi to his room only to shut and lock the door behind him once they got inside,Yugi tilted his head at his Partners actions...
"What are you doing?" he asked,Atem only grinned and pushed Yugi onto his bed..
"I'm not letting you leave until you give me an answer" Atem said,a dark but loving tone in his voice..
Yugi smiled some "Remind me what the question was again" he said as a tease,causing Atem to then hover over him and run his hand along the side of his face..
"You know the question very well Yugi,I know you do...but since you need a reminder,my question to you is..will you be mine,and only mine no matter what happens?"
Hearing the question again made Yugi blush and look away "I don't...really have an answer,as I told you.."
"Well...I think I know how you can make up your mind on that" Atem said as he made Yugi look at him...
"Oh yea? How are you going to do tha-?!" suddenly...Yugi was cut off from speaking..his breath caught in his throat...Atem had kissed him,deeply,on the lips...
'He's so..warm...I feel like I could melt...he's done this before but never to get something,like an answer,out of me...' Yugi said to himself in thought as Atem lingered slightly,only to pull away and smile at his Partner "Well..did that help any?" he said,teasingly..Yugi shook his head and looked away shyly "Atem..." he started to say only to pull Atem down into a hug..Atem smiled and returned the hug only to flip Yugi over a second later..Atem was now laying on the bed with Yugi softly sitting on his waist...he would bring his hand up and once again rub it along the side of Yugis face...
"You still haven't answered me" he said,smiling up at Yugi,who could only shake his head and smile at this point...
"Fine...I'll answer if you do it right" Yugi said with a teasing grin,unable to pull away from his Partners eyes... Atem just simply smiled at Yugis words only to once again kiss him on the lips...

The next day,around noon..Yugi had gone out to the balcony to watch the clouds and to see if it might rain or not,Atem suddenly came out and hugged him from behind,softly laying his head on Yugis shoulder..
"So..you said I should ask correctly,right?"
"Yea..I did...so,are you going to do it or just stand there and tell me things that will make me blush?"
"Hm...I'm not sure,what would you prefer that I do?" Atem said,jokingly..Yugi shook his head and smiled only for Atem to let go and turn Yugi around to face him...
"Alright...let's hear it.." Yugi said as he watched what Atem would do..
Atem reached into his pocket and got out a small box after getting on one knee...
"I know you're tired of hearing me ask this but...Yugi,would you do me the honor of becoming mine and only mine?...would you do me the honor.." he opened the box "...of marrying me?"
Yugi just stood there..staring...only he suddenly hugged Atem,knocking him back off balance..
"Of course..I would do that honor..for you Atem" he said shyly,only for Atem to smile and kiss him on the cheek "Good...I will do my best to protect you,Yugi...even if my life is on the line"
"I know that,Pharaoh..." Yugi said with a smile..

Later that night,there was a knock on the front doors to the palace..this had woken Yugi,who was a light sleeper..so he went to see who it was,only when he opened the door,he saw that it was his friends...he blinked and thought he was dreaming,but he wasn't...his friends suddenly hugged him,oddly enough once they let go....Yugi backed away from them..
"H-hay guys,been a while hasn't it" Yugi said as he tried to hide a nervous smile
"Took us a while to get here...man,why are you living here anyway?..it's abit..far" Tristian had commented..
"Well,it's still nice to see you,even if it's abit far" Tea said,being as cheerful as she normally was...
"Uh guys..why do I get the feeling dat somethin' ain't right here?" Joey said as he looked around...
Yugi sighed abit,being thankful that Atem wasn't awake,though he still tried to hide a nervous smile.."You guys shouldn't be here right now.."
"Why not?" Joey asked..
"Uh...well...It's late first of all..and-" Yugi had cut himself off as he suddenly flinched at something...this made the others question what was wrong with Yugi..
"Look,you should just go...we can talk in the morning.." Yugi said as he turned away,Joey suddenly grabbed him...
"Hold on..we're not leavin..not yet...we wanna know why you live here and stuff" Joey said,sounding suspicious....as they continued to talk,little did they know that Atem was awake at this point..he was watching them...
Yugi looked around abit as he talked only to spot Atem watching..'Oh no..' he said to himself in thought before letting out a sigh "Look,you guys really need to go..I don't want you guys getting hurt"
"Eh? By who?..." Joey had questioned,only for Atem to walk over,his arms crossed in front of him.."By me.." he said in a rather dark and protective tone...the others looked at him,Tea backed up slightly...
"This is why you can't be here...Atem is really protective of me and-"
"Oh,I'll give him something to be protective about!" Tristain had said,suddenly coming over to defend Tea..Atem rolled his eyes "As much as my Partner is happy to see you all,it is late so please go home..you should know what happens around here after dark"
"Oh yea what happen-wait...did you say...Partner?" Tea suddenly asked,only for Atem to smile and wrap his arms around Yugi almost protectively "I did..he is my Partner" ...Yugi blushed faintly..the others had no words to say and only confused and questioning looks..
"Now then...go home,you can come again at a later time" Atem said,letting go of Yugi..
Tea sighed "Well..I guess...but it took us a while to get here.."
Atem had started to glare at the girl,she shuttered and backed away more "Maybe it's best...if we did leave for now,guys.." she suddenly said as she watched a few shadows rise up behind Yugi...the other two nodded,said their goodbyes and left...once they left,both Yugi and Atem headed back to bed...
"You didn't need to scare them.."
"I know what's mine and what is theirs.."
"Atem,they are my friends,they wouldn't try to-"
"But what if they did try to take you from me...you know I wouldn't let that happen.."
Yugi sighed as they both got into bed "I know but...scaring them wasn't really nice..."
Atem smiled and pulled Yugi close to him "Well..it wasn't really all me that had scared them"
Yugi tilted his head only for Atem to chuckle "The shadows around you...they also protect you,or have you forgotten that"
Yugi blinked but then shook his head "I guess they thought my friends were something bad.."
"Well,I know they're not...but that still won't stop me from keeping you all to myself,Yugi"
Yugi softly smiled and nuzzled his face into Atems chest softly "I know...we live in isolation after all...so it's only natural that you would want it that way"
Atem smiled and rubbed along Yugis back softly "Yes..that is true.."
Yugi let out a soft yawn before he spoke again "I guess....there are still some people who...just don't know you yet like I do.."
"I wish they did,then they wouldn't try and take you from me.." oddly,Atem got no answer this time,Yugi had fallen asleep against him...he smiled and kissed his head,whispering a soft "Goodnight,Yugi" before falling asleep himself...

"It's been a couple days...we had the ceremony,everyone was there...though Joey and Tristain couldn't stop glaring at Atem..but everyone left happy,we all had fun..though I wonder if I should go and visit Domino with Atem at some point,he probably won't want to but it would be nice to get out of the palace at some point...we've come this far in this 'mirror' we call home but I wonder how far we can really go without someone coming to rip us apart..I guess only time will tell...sure we might live in isolation,but I do know one thing...that even though we do,and even though we've been ruling the world to our standards..that people hardly ever change..even if they do,they're still same...our side of things though might be abit..chaotic...from here on out but that's ok because...we have each other"

~Epilogue Fin~

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