Chapter 9

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As they wandered the forest for a way out,Atem was still lost in thought and Yugi was still thinking about the pendant and what it could do...suddenly Atem came to a stop and looked at Yugi..
"What is it?"
"If we ever do get out of here...what will you do?..."
"Huh?..why the sudden know that I told you that I'd nev-"
"I know..I know that you'd stay with me..but what if we had to go down a different path,one that..tore us apart.."
"Well..I would hope that the path would have us meet again one day"
"I see.."
"Why are you even talking about something like this?"
"It's just...-"
Yugi raised an brow sightly at Atem,as if waiting for the answer..Atem only looked away as he tried to find the words,he would finally speak up after he let out a sigh and looked back at Yugi
"It's just..I don't anyone to take you from me,you're mine and..I want it to stay that way" Atem would say with a somewhat sad but soft tone in his voice,Yugi would only laugh hearing this before he shook his head "Atem,you don't need to worry about that..all you need to worry about is us getting out of here" he said,suddenly sighing "I hope Ishizu found another way to help us incase this pendant can't..." Atem smiled softly and took Yugi by the hand "Come on..we can't stay here forever,that dragon might be gone but it's not dead" he said,making a point that Yugi silently agreed on...

...meanwhile,ishizu was running around,pulling book after book..she tried spell after spell...none worked,she even asked her brother,Marik,for help..all he could do was laugh at almost every spell for how ridiculous they sounded,that would only get on Ishizus nerves..but nonetheless,he helped her the best he could,even if the spells made him chuckle abit...after awhile,they came to an odd black had no title,no was it on the shelf with the others?...all they could do was look through it until they found the spell that was needed....

....back in the forest,Yugi and Atem had been walking for what seemed like hours,none of them could tell if the sun was going down or how dark it was because of the tress that got in the way,but once night had come..and once they've found a place to rest for the night...the pendant started to glow faintly,its magic slightly curling itself around Yugi,who was still getting ready for bed..Yugi looked at the magic around him and tilted his head,he would then go and look at the pendant only to see it glowing.."Huh..odd" he would comment to himself,oddly enough..the magic surrounding him was starting to feel eerily if he had felt it before...Atem poked his head out from his sleeping spot,only to see Yugi looking at the pendant,he shrugged and went to bed,hoping Yugi would do the same soon...only..Yugi seemed more interested in the pendant...
"Why does..this feel so..familiar..."
Sudden quiet whispers started to blow around near Yugi..
"If...this is used to free us...will we have to seperate or-"
The whispers only got louder,causing Yugi to look around
"Who's there?!"
'Yugi....yugi.......yugi.........' the whispers chanted
"Show yourself!"
'The magic.....familiar......the magic!' the whispers would then chant
"It's not...I don't know what you're talking about" Yugi said,as he looked around for the source of the voices
'You know this've used it one need to remember,Yugi'
That is when a strange,distant but familiar memory hit Yugi like a duel disk to the face...images of him finding an old spell book hidden away in his mothers room...ones of him using dark magic to make something akin to a friend...and ones of that friend causing trouble...he would shake his head and suddenly look to where the voices where coming from...
' do remember me,Yugi'
"But I thought...I had-"
'Sent me away? can only go so far...'
"Look...I don't have time for this...I need to-"
'Get out of here?...'
'Why not stay here...I already have the one thing you need'
"I want to go home...and Atem wants to get out of this world,he's been here longer then I have"
' won't like him once he's out'
"What do you mean by that?..."
No answer..
Still no response...
"Well...That was strange..though,now I know why the magic is so familiar to me,I just hope Atem doesn't find out" Yugi would say to himself before hiding the pendant where only he would know of it..he would then let out a yawn and lay down,hoping to get a good nights rest...

The next morning..Atem was heard getting breakfast ready..Yugi didn't bother to get up,so Atem just let him sleep in for a few more minutes..that is until..
"Agh!" Yugi said,scaring himself awake..Atem quietly laughed,only to get a tired and grumpy look from Yugi..
"Good morning,sleep well?"
"I guess.." Yugi said as he got up and went over to Atem
"Good,once we are done here,we will need to move quickly"
Yugi blinked "Why?"
"Well..we are almost out of the forest,unless you want to stay here and get eaten by the dragon"
Yugi pouted at Atems dark humor "Not a chance..."
" then,time for breakfast" Atem said with a smile..once they were done eating,and once things got packed up,the two headed off as quickly as possible.....after a few hours,they finally made it out of the forest,now all they would have to do is get back to town and to Atems home...but doing that won't be so easy...

What will happen to them? And who is this Ixchel? Since when did Yugi know how to use dark magic? What was with that odd book that Ishizu and Marik pulled?.....all that and more next chapter!

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