Chapter 3

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The next morning,Yugi was curled up in bed..the Mirror on his desk...the sun shone in on his bed and almost on his face,the Mirror showing a reflection of the one trapped inside..."Yugi.." He started to say in trying to wake the sleeping teen when nothing happend,he sighed "Yugi!!" he then shouted,causing Yugi to curl up..Yugi wasn't always a morning person,but he would try to get out of bed regardless on if it was a school day or not..Atem sat there and waited for Yugi to get up,when he finally did,he went over and picked up the mirror.."Decided to finally get up,did you?" Atem asked,Yugi nodded rather slowly as he wiped his eyes and yawned.."Good..we have a long day,get still need to keep your promise" Atem then said,Yugi tilted his head abit " you have blood on you?" he suddenly asked,Atem shook his head "Never mind that,we-" he said,getting cut off by Yugi,who almost dropped the mirror "No...I will mind it! If I'm going to help you then I'm going to care for you! Mirror or not,you are hurt,and you need to be treated for it!" he suddenly shouted,Atem sighed "Honestly,it's nothing to worry about" he said,sounding annoyed,Yugi set the mirror down,but made it lean against something he then went to get dressed...Atem smiled but blushed as he looked away,he didn't want to say anything but he was thinking of how tiny Yugi looked without anything on,almost like a doll..."I hope that I can get a hold of them,then maybe hey can help us out with you being stuck in there" Yugi said,suddenly breaking Atems train of thought "Who? The ones you told me about the other day?" he asked,causing Yugi to nod "Yea,those guys,they should be able to help...I know you don't want anyone to know about you yet but these guys know how to keep a secret,so they won't tell anyone about you" he said in response,Atem nodded "Alright...I guess they can help...but what if they say something?" he asked,sounding slightly worried,Yugi shook his head as he went over to the mirror "They won't,I promise" he said,with a smile as he picked up the mirror "Don't worry,Atem..everything will be fine..they will figure this out and maybe tell us how to reverse this"..Atem nodded and started to think "Oh..I need to ask you something" Yugi said as he set the mirror down on his bed and started to pack "What is it?" ...
"Was..that you laughing last night?" Yugi asked suddenly as he was packing his duffle bag.."No..why?" Atem asked,his tone sounding like he was lying,Yugi shook his head "Oh no reason...I was just wondering.."..."Ah,well I hope it didn't bother you,where ever it came from" Atem said,trying to sound as innocent as possible,Yugi smiled and looked for his phone "No,it didn't...I usually sleep through stuff like that...unless it's a bad storm that is" he said,picking up his phone..Atem looked at the phone "So...are you going to call them on that thing?" he suddenly asked causing Yugi to nod "Yep,it's how I talk to all of my friends who don't live in Domino" he said as he looked through his phones contacts...."I see..." Atem said,turning away slightly "Well then,let's see what they have to say..."
Yugi then dialed the number that Ishizu gave him....
"Yes? Who is this?"
"Oh,hay Odion! Is your sister there? I need to talk to her"
"First..tell me who you ar-"
"It's me,Yugi..."
"Ah..the one that saved the world...why the call?"
"Just...get your sister for Ras sake..."
Odion then passed the phone to Ishizu...
"Hello? Who may I have the honor of speaking"
"Hay there Ishizu..It's me,Yugi..I uhm need a favor.."
"Oh? What would that be my young duelist?"
"My friend here used a spell and stuck inside a mirror...I have no clue on how to get him out.."
"Ah...well,then please..come and see me,I might have what you are looking for"
"Alright! Thank you!"
And with that,Yugi hung up and put his phone in his pocket,he picked up the mirror and put it into his bag "You will be safe in there for now..just don't say much ok?" he said,smiling..Atem nodded "Right,not a word"...Yugi then picked the bag up and headed off,he didn't bother to tell anyone but his grandfather where he was going but he didn't say why...after he got to the airport and found his flight,he sat comfy in his seat,which was next to a window,and waited till he arrived in Cairo..all the way in Egypt

Will Ishizu and Odion be able to help Yugi and his trapped friend? Or will something go horribly wrong in trying to free Atem....only time will tell,fore his flight will be quite a while

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