Chapter 5

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The next morning,Yugi was still asleep..Atem had gotten up early enough to make his rounds and to check up on his otherworldly visitor, only to see that he was still asleep..all curled up under the blanket and snuggling one of the pillows as if it were a toy..'By the Gods of this place...he looks so adorable' Atem thought to himself quietly as she peaked in at Yugi 'Maybe I should wake him?,I fear he might get mad at me for doing so...' that's when the idea hit him,he smiled to himself and went inside of Yugis room...he stood by the bed and suddenly leaned down to plant a faint kiss on the sleeping boys cheek, Yugi moved slightly but he didn't wake up from it, Atem only shook his head and left the room 'Once he gets up..that is when we shall look for another way out of here' Atem thought to himself as he continued his rounds.

Several hours later....Yugi finally woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking in the kitchen,he sat up and let out a yawn, stretching out slightly as he went to stand, he would change into his normal day clothes only to stuff his PJs back into the bag he had with him...once he was done changing he went out into the hall, only he heard someone scream...he looked around slightly for the direction of the voice, only for him to go towards the throne room...he opened the door slowly once he arrived "Hello?" he said as he poked his head in, Atem wasn't inside so who made that scream?...that's when he spotted someone who looked like his friend, Tea, he ran over to them and knelt besides them "What happened? Are you ok?" he asked, only for them to kick and push at they did, they rattled something that sounded like chains, Yugi followed the sound of the rattles only to notice that the chains were around the girls ankles..."Who did this to you?" Yugi asked in disgust, the girl only shook her head and didn't say anything, that's when Yugi looked over at the door...someone was was Atem..he got up and stood by the girl, when Atem came in he was shocked to see Yugi in his throne room "Yugi? I'd thought you'd be eating by now...why are you here?" he would ask, that's when Yugi pointed to the girl "We have to help her..someone chained her up here and-" Atem raised his hand, stopping Yugi from speaking "Do not worry about it..." he said as he sat down " will be taken care of soon" Yugi nodded at Atems words, however he didn't notice the dark grin he had on his face...with a rumble of his stomach, Yugi headed out to the dinning hall...Atem would then have the chained up girl moved in front of him....he smiled darker at her...
"Please...d-don't..I-I gave you all the magic I had!"
"Shut your bore me with your petty pleads"
"I-I'm sorry!" the girl said before curling into a ball like shape
"Hmh...Tell me this, Cylis...why is it that I have your magic and we are not out there yet?"
"I-..I don't know, my Pharaoh...could it be that you don't have enough of-.."
"Be silent..I have all I need, I just want to be free of this place..and you will help me get free"
"W-why me?...I thought that boy was here to-"
"He's just as stuck as we are,however..I must admit..he is brave to want to help, kind as well"
"M-My Pharaoh,did you just...swoon..over this otherworlder?"
"What? dare! I would never" Atem said, sounding as if he was lying
"Maybe you to him about a plan..." Cylis suggested vaguely
"Or maybe..I might just see if you.." Atem had started to speak as he pulled Cylis closer "...have any more magic for me"
"I-I told you..I don't!"
"Then...I have no need for you anymore" Atem said,as he then pushed Cylis onto the cold floor "Get this rat out of my throne room" he said to some odd looking shadows that were standing near his throne..they nodded and wordlessly removed Cylis...after a while, Atem went out to Yugi, who was just getting done with his food, he went over and sat by Yugi, who looked over at him with a soft but kind smile
"Enjoying our food?"
" tastes a little off but it's fine"
"That's good...listen,I have a new plan for us to try"
"Oh? What is it?.."
"We might be able to get out of here if we use magic instead of chanting some spell"
"Magic huh?..but..aren't spells magic?"
"Yes,but I am talking about a different type of magic"
"Uh..what kind?"
"Dark magic"
"Dark magic?...isn't that kind of risky?"
"I know it is..but it might just work"
"Well...if it will work then I guess we can try it..."
Atem smiled darkly at this "Good,we will need people who have such magic"
"'s not like we can just pull said magic out of we need them so they can let us use their magic"
"Oh...well...I don't sounds like steal-"
"Yugi please...this will work,I'm sure of it"
Yugi sighed "Fine..but if anything bad happens..I'm blaming you"
Atem nodded and smiled more, Yugi just went back to finishing his food.

Once everything was washed and put away, both Yugi and Atem headed for the planning room..inside sat a large round table, ten chairs including one of Atem, and a map that sat on the table...once inside, Atem went and took a look at the map, Yugi tilted his head as he looked at it as well...there where many places in Nexus, Yugi took note of the places that had red X's on them 'Did..he already look there?...I wonder..' he thought to himself, Atem looked the map over slowly before pointing at an unmarked spot "There...Dark the forest, this is where we shall go"..Yugi nodded but thought to himself 'Will we even find anything there?...' he then shook his head "Right,we should start packing then...we might be there a while" Yugi then suggested, causing Atem to nod "Yes...the dragon might be a problem however..." ..."Dragon?" Yugi suddenly asked...
"In Dark Mori...there lives a red dragon with three mouths...we are to be careful in that part of the forest, it never leaves that part...fore many have lost their lives to that beast, if there is a way around it then we shall take that path, if not...then we might just have to put up a fight with the beast itself" Atem said with a nod, Yugi sighed abit "Guess we might to bring some weapons or something then.." he said in slight disappointment, he was hoping to just go through the forest without having to harm anyone or anything,but it couldn't be helped..he didn't know this mirror world as much as Atem did. As time passed..they continued on talking about their plan before eventually packing up a few food or weapons..when everything they needed was packed up, they headed off for Dark Mori...

What will they find there? Will they run into the dragon first or will they find what they are looking for?.....and what happened to Cylis?...was Atem really starting to fall for his visitor, Yugi..or is it all just an act? All will be revealed in the next chapter! 

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