Chapter 7

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Once morning came,Atem woke to the rays of the sun,,he got out some food for the morning and tried to figure out a way to cook it,Yugi however was still asleep..Atem smiled at his sleeping partner and kept quiet,that is until a loud roar was heard in the distance..."What was that?" Atem had asked himself upon hearing the roar..Yugi had scared himself awake upon hearing it,he came out of the thing the two had been sleeping in and looked around "Atem...what was that sound?" he had asked only to get a shrug from Atem, Yugi tilted his head a little..."We should pack,that could have been the dragon of the forest" Atem had suggested,only for Yugi to nod "Right..we can eat on the way" ...after packing,the two set out on their journey to Dark Mori.......after a few hours,the roar was heard sounded like a dragons roar,one that was filled with rage..this made Yugi slightly cower behind Atem a little as they walked,Atem shook his head "Yugi,you are fine..whatever is the source of the sound is nowhere near us" he said with a soft smile "Though...that definitely sounded like a that I am all too knowing of" he then said with concern,Yugi sighed "Well...if that is the dragon..then we are getting closer to that Dark Mori place,I just hope we get out of there alive once we find what we are looking for" he said,causing Atem to nod in agreement.

After the next few days,they finally arrived at Dark Mori...Yugi looked nervous,but he calmed down some once Atem had taken his hand...they went into the forest and started to look around...after a while,they came to a forest cave,Atem went in first leaving Yugi outside,he then motioned to Yugi to go in...Atem found something to make a sort of light with,from there they went deeper into the cave...once they had gotten deep enough,they started to see odd markings on the wall of the cave,this had Yugi interested so he went to look at the marks..Atem tilted his head at this,he had taken note that a while ago Yugi had said that he had a grandfather,but this wouldn't stop him from questioning Yugi silently...Yugi would run his hand over the marks slowly as if he was reading with his hands...suddenly images started to flash before Yugis mind,it was like he was being taken into the past of this odd mirror world....two beings stood before him on some kind of palace balcony...
"Are you sure we will get out of here?"
"Yes..I am sure,have no fear"
"But..what if they can't do it?"
"They will do it"
"But what if something happens?"
"Nothing will happen"
"Yami...I'm scared.."
"Of what,Heba?"
"Losing you..."
"Nonsense..that shall never happen"
"Well alright..."
The images that Yugi is seeing suddenly flash and change to the cave
"Here..our mark will be left here for all to see"
"But...what if-"
"Shh....Wyder is coming,quickly let's go!"
Yugi would pull his hand away from the marks and shake his head 'The heck was that?' he would ask himself in thought,he then looked at Atem "Hay...Atem?"
"What is it?"
"I..have a feeling were here with someone before"
"What do you mean?"
"I..saw these images when I touched the marks just now..I saw two people"
"Oh?...that's interesting"
"One looked like me..and the other..looked like you"
"I-I see.." from the tone of his voice,Yugi could tell he hit something
"Tell me...what happened here"
Atem looked away and sighed "If I must..." he said as he looked down with a saddened gaze
"A long time ago,when myself and my people got put into this mirror world...there was this boy who served under me...we were close,very close...we where to be married but that didn't happen...we tried,again and again,to get out of here but nothing worked..that's when we came to this very forest in search of a magic pendant,one that was filled with endless dark magic,however it was guarded by the dragon,who we called Wyder at the time...we came into this very cave and...-" Atem made a fist,unwilling to continue his side of things.."...and you left this mark with that boy?" Yugi said,in trying to finish the thought,Atem nodded only to shake off his unwillingness just to continue "..once we got away from the dragon,something happened...something that I wish never did" Atem said with abit of anger in his voice,Yugi tilted his head "What happened exactly?" ....."Heba was-....he was..-...." suddenly Atem was brought to tears "..He was killed by the dragons fire that had managed to spread..." he pounded the cave wall with a fist "I had no clue that he was killed...but when I found out I..I lost control of myself,I couldn't bear knowing that he was gone..that he was never coming back" ..Yugi looked away,sorry that he had asked about it,he then looked at Atem and smiled " have me now...and I can tell you this..I won't ever let anything happen to me" Yugis words took Atem by surprise suddenly..Yugi then hugged Atem,causing him to drop the light source and grip Yugi tightly...
"It's alright...I lost someone too when I was it's ok to be upset about things like this"
"I won't ever let anything happen to you or myself.."
"Yugi I....
"Even if it means us never getting out of this mirror world...I will stay by your side no matter what"
"Yugi I...I..."
"You what,Atem?"
"Yugi..." Atem then pulled away only to take and have Yugi look at him,Yugi looked abit confused at this when suddenly....Atem had kissed Yugi deeply on the lips,only to pull away a few seconds later..
"Yugi...I don't ever want to lose you...not ever...even if you say that you will stay by my side,I hope you will..I love you Yugi..more than you know,you are the first person in years to show me any kindness or to offer any help...please Yugi,even if we get stuck in this very cave,say that you will stay with me..even if that dragon finds us" ..Yugi blushed faintly as Atem spoke only to smile " know I will,even if time stops..I will do whatever I can to stay with you,besides..if I don't,we will never get out of here" he said with a kind smile causing Atem to nod and wipe his eyes " then..." he picked up the light source "...let's see if there's a way out of this cave" he said as he started to head deeper into the cave with Yugi right beside him.

What will they find inside the cave? Will it be something that they're looking for or will it be something else,like the dragon with three mouths?....find out next time!

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