Sun and Moon☀️🌙

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Between two close people, there's always the sun, and the moon.

There's the sun. Has positive energy, lights up the room by just their presence, makes everyone feel happy, raises moral, inspiration and motivation cuz of their actions and words, always looking out for the others and cheering them up when they're down. They're the talk of the town, or the center of attention.

Then there's the moon. Quiet, a bit secretive, emotional, distant, always thinking about something or the other, sometimes even worse case scenarios. There's darkness in their heart, and they can't seem to find light. These people get attention as well, they're also the talk of the town, cuz everyone's worried about their state.

These two people always go hand in hand. We already know that. We all either have a sun or a moon in our lives, maybe both.

And when you see these two kids, a blonde haired boy with blue eyes and a raven haired girl in red spectacles, obviously everyone would say the boy is the sun, and the girl is the moon.

At first, it was exactly like that.

But, like I said, they're kids. They'll grow, and change over time.

Even after years, they're still close friends, they can't change the fact they're childhood friends in any way. Always together, before and even after their dad's left completely.

Now, the boy isn't the sun, but the girl. Now, the girl isn't the moon, but the boy.

Ironic since their eyes look like that too.

Either way, they're both still sun and moon. However, the sun and moon are always far apart.

In the morning, the sun will rise, then let the moon rise while they set for the night. They say the moon can't shine without the sun. It's true of course. That's to tell you how much the moon can't shine as much as he can without the help if the sun. They're really close, since the moon looks like a beautiful dream during the dark, quiet nights with the help of the sun's brilliant light.

But even tho they're so close, they're still so far away.

That's when, one day...

"Sarada! Get away, or else you'll get hurt!"

She didn't move a muscle. She, the sun, was about to emotionlessly give her life away.

Right before she could've been punched by death itself, he blocked her vision, freeing her from her trance.

He was greatly injured.

"B-Boruto!? What are you doing?! Are you crazy?! You could've-" he finished her sentence instead.

"-died? Yeah, you could've died instead if I didn't jump in to save you in time–ugh-" he fell to his knees.

"Don't move too much." She instructed, pasting ointment on where his back got hit. "You've already saved me so many times, you don't have to keep doing it. You'll get yourself hurt even more. If there's anything that'll bring harm to me is seeing you hurt. If you want to protect me, protect my feelings instead would ya?"

She fixed his shirt back from applying the ointment, and attempted to stand up and leave with him, only for him to hold her hand bringing her back to her sitting position.

"I'll protect everything of you." He smiled.

"Sheesh, when will you ever stop."

"Don't expect me to stop."


The moon blocked the sun's vision of the earth, embracing her ever so protectively. That's when they formed...

"Didn't I say I'll protect everything of you? I won't let anything happen to him. I'll make sure both of you are safe and happy. I'll stay by your side for eternity." He kissed her forehead, holding her hand in his, as they're fingers lay gently on her stomach.


An Eclipse.

A/N: this oneshot is inspired by NCT127's Sun and Moon. I saw the lyrics and my mind went all over the place trying to figure some shit out about it and after LOTS of thoughts, I came up with this. In case someone doesn't get it, Sarada is the sun, Boruto is the moon, the moon came in front the sun making an eclipse, Boruto came in front Sarada protecting her, we know he will protect her with his entire heart and so ofc they'll end up getting feelings for each other so now they got a...yeah I think everyone knows now. I'm just explaining cuz idk if I wrote this right. How was it tho? Did u enjoy it? 

A/N: ain't no way I wrote this wtf?!?!?! Why didn't I post this in the past?!?!? Oh well, posting now

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