Ok, imma make this quick cuz I have a long day ahead of me.
Ahem, so basically, Hana-Sensei has a split personality twin that does what she herself can't do which is assassinate people. While the Hana-Sensei we know thinks she became a teacher cuz it was her dream, her split personality actually made her believe that so she gets the job and so that she doesn't look suspicious since she doesn't even know that she's an assassin!!!
Idk how Kawaki will be able to find out or how they'll get the Hana-Sensei they know to come back and turn herself in, nor what will happen after she's turned it and what it'll affect but hopefully everyone will know that Hana-Sensei is innocent, not her split personality. Not sure how she'll be able to get rid of her other self but hey, let's see in the next ep.
Maybe Kawaki will realize it, yk?
Anyways, small question here: how's school so far? For me, shit is tiring. I can't stand foods and maths class. My favorite classes are definitely social studies, literature and hsb (human and social biology). The rest are so-so. I guess accounts is kind of a good class, the work itself is good so far but....the teacher talks too much. Makes u wanna sleep yk. My hsb teacher talks alot too but his way of speaking and teaching is just WAY BETTER yk. Cuz I really thought I'd be so bad at this subject only to actually really understand it and enjoy it like....?!?!?!?
Foods - I hate being in the kitchen to cook. Never liked it once in my life cuz I've always wanted to prove that girls don't always have to be in the kitchen but in the end, cooking is something necessary for living. I just....never had adults who looked at it that way and tell me it was that way.
Maths - I'm good at maths and I understand it quickly and it's fun and all that but I'm kinda tired of it now yk? Plus the woman can't teach! Deadass at the front but hardly understood shit unless I knew of the topics already.
Social Studies - the work is easy now. Might get harder, who knows. But my classmates in that class are such idiots and are sm fun that I love it lol.
Literature - Fun fact, if u know me at my school, you'd always see me at my desk during break and lunch, or maybe free classes when I have nothing to do, reading. That's it. I like reading. What do I read? MXTX BL novels. Told my literature teacher and she doesn't judge so 😌💅🏼 plus she watches anime and likes kpop so she's a damn cool teacher.
HSB (Human and Social Biology) - the shit only looks and sounds hard for some ppl, I think it's only easy cuz the teacher knows how to teach unlike my math teacher. He's cool, he's cool.
Accounts - LADY! STOP! TALKING! SO! DUCKING! MUCH! I UNDERSTAND UR WORK AND I LIKE IT BUT *suddenly tired* try not to talk sm sheesh.
And well...English is english. Nothing else. The class is kinda chill ig.

Boruto Ep Reactions🔩💖💙 (+ some oneshots)
De TodoThe title says it all. This is the first time I'm writing something like this so idk how's this gonna go. But I'm LOVING the show, that's all ik. I'm gonna post every Sunday when a new episode comes out, or if I have some shit to say. This is basic...