Chapter 1

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A very busy day for everyone working in their office and tables. Employees scattered everywhere doing their researching, you can hear them furiously typing on their keyboards and looking intently at the screens. Interns running here and there. Just your typically normal day at work.


Don't get me wrong, I love my job okay? I love going on missions and fight criminals never mind the broken bones and ribs I love my job. But the amount of paper works after that is the worst thing in the world especially debriefing. I just got back on a three day mission and all they want is to know all the details about it, they don't even give you time to breath for just minute, it sucks really. And here I am at my desk waiting for my debrief and let me tell you, it was no fun. My thoughts were interrupted when Agent Barton came up to me.

"How's the mission?" he asked.

"Fun and exhausting" I said sighing deeply.

"That bad huh?" he said chuckling at my misery. I was about to speak when Director Fury came out of the office.

"Agent Jones how's the mission?" he asked.

"It's a successful mission Director" I said smiling widely at him.

"Isn't it always" Clint said while smiling at me.

"I'm just doing my job right and got it done Clint" I said to him smiling.

"Can you not sell yourself so short kid? You're like the best agent here at SHIELD along with Peter and his team" Clint said while smiling and shaking his head at me. I was about to speak when Fury interrupted me again.

"Anyways, Jones you can report to me later I have to go" he said and started walking away.

"He always does that it's annoying" I said sighing.

"Haven't you gotten used to it by now?" Clint said chuckling at me.

"Still annoying" I said with a straight face.

"To the cafeteria?" he asked and I nodded my head and we started walking.

"Anyways, I've heard from Nat that there was a new transfered agent assign here" he said.

"Really? Who is it?" I asked curious.

"She didn't say the name but it's a guy" he said smirking while wiggling his eyebrows at me. I looked at him confused.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him still confused by the look he's giving me.

"Oh come on, you've been single for a while now" he stated.

"And since when did my love life got involve Clint?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Since there is going to be a new agent assign here" he said grinning madly. I just furrowed my eyebrows deeply.

"By the way, he comes here tomorrow afternoon 2pm sharp" he added and walk ahead of me to the cafeteria. I just shook my head at him in disbelief.

Night time...

I'm packing up my things and getting ready to leave for the night. I was just about to shut down my computer when someone interrupted me. Seriously, what is up with everyone interrupting me.

"Sup Jones?" it was Ollie Akana. I just raised my eyebrows and glared at him.

"Hey I'm not even doing anything yet and you're already giving me a death glare? Come on" he stated raising his arms in surrender.

"What do you want Ollie?" I sighed knowing he would not leave me alone anytime soon. God I hate his guts!

"Well for starters, you still didn't answer my question until now" he said smirking.

"Fine! You want my answer? I'll give you my answer, NO." I said looking him straight on the face.

"Are you serious!?" he exclaimed throwing his arms in the air. This time I'm the one smirking at him.

"After all those persuasions!? I did for nothing!?" he exclaimed again.

"What? Now you're mad at me? I didn't even asked for any of it, it's all you. And I told you so many times that I don't like you! I don't like you Akana! I hate you!" I yelled at him getting more angrier by the second.

"You know what? No, I'm not giving up" he said and leave, just like that. I just continue to stare at him walking away. Not believing at what he just said. He really doesn't know when to back off does he? He's really getting in to my nerves!

"Ugh!" I slammed my hands on my table in anger. I swear if he doesn't leave me alone sooner, god forgave me or not I might actually kill him. I took a deep breath to calm myself down and finally able to shut down my computer.

I'm walking my way to my car in the parking lot when I got a call from Pop Pop.

"Hey Pop Pop" I answered.

"Amelia dear, can you do me a favor and go to the store and buy some milk? We run out of it this morning" he said softly.

"Sure Pop Pop anything else on the list I should buy?" I asked smiling softly.

"No dear, that would be all" he said.

"Okay Pop Pop see you at home" I said and hang up. That's my grandpa by the way and I love him so much. Ever since my parents disappeared, he took the responsibility of taking care of me. He helped me in so many ways that I will do anything just to pay it back to him. There's nothing that I wouldn't do for my Pop Pop. I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't hear the car driving so fast heading my way. I manage to get out of the way and fell on my side.

"Ow!" I whimpered, I broke my left wrist. Who the heck was that!? God that hurt so much. I slowly stand up and held my left wrist.

"Damn it what the actual hell? Who was that?" I asked mostly to myself. The car was so fast I wasn't able to see the plate number. Maybe one of the goons who wanted revenge for taking them down. Or just a drunk man recklessly driving? I don't know. But god my wrist is really hurting right now. I quickly walk to my car and started driving to the nearest hospital.

Whoever that is in that car should pay. Drunk or not they don't have the right to just run over people. Freaking bastards! Who the hell do they think they are? I kept driving to find the nearest hospital to check my wrist. Speaking of find, reminder to look at the security camera tomorrow. I need to know who was in that car.


New Story!

I was bored and thought why not make a multi chap one?😂

Just a warning, I might not be able to update that often because I'm still working on some things...You thinkin' another story?😏

Who knows?🤷
I might do another one if I really got in to the mood. But for the mean time, here's a brand new story all for you guys.

I really hope you enjoy this one❤️


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