Chapter 8

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Nick Fury is always known for his cold treatments among his agents. He always mask his real emotions with strict personality. But he do have a soft spot for those who are close to him although he wouldn't even dare tell them that. He had a reputation to uphold after all.

When he found out about Amelia and that, someone is trying to kill her. He knows immediately that her life is in great danger. Ever since she was a kid, he already kept an eye on her. Like a godfather. He swore to himself that he would protect her at any cost. And Clint, he knows Clint would also do anything for the kid even if it cost his own life for that matter. That's just how they are to her. A family. That she never had. Only her and her grandfather all her life together.

He knows that it is time for her to know the truth. The truth that he kept all those years ago. Because he made a promise to a friend that no one should ever talked about what happened ever again. But now that she's of the right age. He thinks she deserves the truth.

He dialed the number on his burner phone and held it to his ear. After a few rings he finally heard his voice.

"Nicky. Long time no talk"

"TJ, how's life been treating you?"

"Not good enough. So, how is she?"

"Yeah right, that's the reason why I called actually..."


"Someone's after her" there was a pause on the other line of the call and Fury waited patiently for a response.

"It's her isn't it? She's targeting her because of me. I guess she'll never stop"

"We're still investigating about it but you know her. As stubborn as you are"

"That's Amelia for yah" a chuckled from the other line was heard.

"How would you like to be in duty again?" Fury said so suddenly. Even he couldn't believe that he is saying this right now.

"N-Nick...are you sure? It's been so long since I've been an agent"

"Maybe it's time for you to get back don't you think?"

"Look, I know you're only doing this for her but—"

"Please?" there was a pause again on the other line and then heard a sigh.

"Okay. I'll do it in one condition"


"Don't tell her about me. I'm still not ready for her to know yet" there it goes. Fury knows there's always a right time for everything and he guess the truth could wait for now.



She's just currently sitting on her desk sulking. Hands running on her hair back and forth with so much stress creeping out one her. She had no idea how to start on her situation right. All she wanted was to go home and lay on her bed in her pj's and just sleep in a deep slumber.

"Look who we got here boys" she heard from behind her. And ugh! It just had to be Ollie Akana. She sat up properly deciding to ignore the annoying dude.

"So we doing the cold treatment now huh?" he said again and went in front of her desk.

"What do you want?" she asked glaring at him with such intensity.

"You know what I want Jones" he said simply and smirked at her.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Back. Off!" she finally exploded and shouted at him. She's already had so much to deal with and she does not plan to include the Ollie Akana in it.

"Wow okay, now you're just playing hard to get. Come on I know you want to too, stop denying your desires for me and just go with it. Am I right boys?" he said and grab her wrist suddenly. His friends cheered for their douchebag friend. She tried to pull her hand away but he's stronger.

"Hey! She said back off! Can't you take a hint?" someone yelled from behind them. They all looked at who was it and saw Javi Garcia approaching Amelia's desk.

"And who are you?" Ollie asked cockily.

"Agent Javier Garcia. Now I'm only going to say this once. Back. Off" he said threateningly. Amelia is not used to this side of his. Sure they only met a few days ago but never would she thought that she will see his bad side this sooner. He Snap out of it Amelia! Now's not the time.

"And what are you gonna do about it huh?" Ollie taunted him and look at his friends and signal for them to get ready.

"What's going on here? Akana? You again?" Clint pop up from behind Javi. Ollie immediately let go of my wrist and I rubbed it softly.

"We're just trying to have some fun, tried to cheer her up she looks like she needed it" Ollie defended himself.

"From the looks of it you look like you're forcing her to have fun with you" Javi said still glaring at the group.

"Seriously Akana, don't you know how to back off? She told so many times. Don't wait for me to call Natasha on you to beat you up" Clint threatened him. Ollie gulped in fear but quickly masked it with his stupidity.

"A real man doesn't give up easily I believed Mr. Barton" he said firmly and look back at me smirking.

"And a real man knows how to take a hint bastard" Amelia said glaring at him. Ollie seems to be taken aback by her.

"What did you just say you little brat!?" he said and attempt to get a hold of her again but Javi was quick and punch him straight to the jaw. He fell on the ground wth a thud. Everyone was too shocked to moved or do anything.

"Now I hoped you know how to back off this time. You don't messed with Garcia here" Clint said staring down at him. Ollie stood up slowly holding his jaw and wincing when he touch the sore spot.

"I'm still not done with you" Ollie tried to threatened.

"Too bad I'm done with you, so get lost" Javi said still glaring. Ollie left along with his stupid friends and Amelia sighed in relief.

"You alright kid?" Clint asked worriedly.

"Fine, just tired" she said simply and sat back down on her chair.

"You should go home, get some rest. Or better yet take a day off? Spend time with Pop Pop" Clint suggested. I know what he's doing. He's trying to divert my attention away from my situation.

"Stop it Clint, don't use Pop Pop against me. You're not gonna get me forget about my supposed psycho killer" I said and stood up. I packed my things and got ready to leave.

"Are you sure it's safe for you to go home alone?" Javi asked suddenly. Is he actually concerned about me? Why?

"He's right, I'll talk to Fury to get you some bodyguards—"

"Hell no! I don't need any bodyguards Clint!" she exclaimed completely annoyed by the idea of having a bodyguard.

"But what if they decided to—"

"I'll kill them then. I'm an agent Clint, I'm trained for these kind of stuff. I can handle myself" I said and left.

Sooner or later I'll find out who this killer is and why they wanted me dead. This never happened to me before I'll be honest. I'm worried for Pop Pop more this time. We never know when they will strike again. I needed to be more careful.



Another update folks. Hope you liked it. Don't forget to vote and comment.💖💖


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