Chapter 7

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He's kissing her. Javier Garcia is actually kissing her right now!

She tried to relax against his lips so they won't get busted. She closed her eyes and just go along with the moment for now. She can smell his minty breath. His soft lips moving against hers. She tried not to melt into it and remember that this was only for the mission. Nothing more and nothing less. It didn't take long for them to realized that the man was already out of sight. Javi slowly pulled away from her and breathed deeply.

"I uhm...I'm sorry" he stuttered apologizing while scratching the back of his head. Amelia cleared her throat trying to clear some awkwardness between them.

"Uhm it's okay, it's for the mission. No need to apologize. But that was a close call tho" she said and look at the direction where the man had gone to.

"Right. Did you see his face tho?" he asked. Now that she think about it, she didn't even looked at the man. She was too distracted by the guy kissing her softly on the lips. But she's never gonna admit to him that she enjoyed it.

"No sorry, I uhm" why is she even stuttering? Seriously, it was just a simple undercover kiss and she's stuttering?

"Right uhm...yeah my fault sorry again. I just didn't know what else to do, I just reacted and kissed you which is a really bad idea. You can slap me if you want?" Javi suggested which she chuckled at.

"No need to slap you, I told you it's fine" she said and smiled at him softly. She's starting to warm up to him a little bit more than she thought. He's really something else, she just couldn't figure him out yet. They jump at the sound of the bell ringing. Sign that the class already started.

"We should get back to class"

"Yeah we probably should"

Skip time...

Class ended without much of an event. They just teach them regular stuff. Peter mostly is the active one in all classes tho. Nerd.

"You know what until now, I still don't get why you love school so much" Amelia asked Peter. They were walking outside, on the way where their car is parked.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with me liking school okay? I just love them and their way of teaching. It makes me feel like a normal person. I don't have to hide from anyone else like for the past few years of my life" Peter explained shrugging his shoulders.

"But dude, the lessons are so basic. You like what? Have more higher IQ than your father literally and those studies are just too easy for you" Harley said swinging his arms around Peter's shoulder.

"C'mon this is Peter we're talking about, he can geek out all he wants" Izzy said chuckling.

Amelia just watched her friends goof around each other. Peter is right tho. It does feel normal going to highschool again. Like you don't have to worry about anything besides homework, everything is fine. Back when she was still in highschool, she remembers how Pop Pop would walk her back and forth to school. They never commute or anything because things were still tough that time. But she enjoyed every moments of them walking and just savor the sweet moment of them two. Pop Pop would sometimes buy her ice cream after school or if she ever got a highest score on exams. A treat for her hard work and to show that he is very proud of his granddaughter. Those are the old times she would never forge-

She didn't get to finished her thoughts because of a body slamming onto her full force. The next thing she knew she was on the ground all the way across the road. Javi underneath her, his left arm holding around her waist tightly. While his right arm is supporting her head.

"Oh my god guys! Are you two alright!?" Izzy said helping Amelia up.

"Y-Yeah we're okay, I think?" she mumbled and dusted off her clothes. She looked around and saw the other students looking at them.

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