1-{1 year later}He's A Stalker

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"Relax.  He's clearly still in love with you."  Aria claimed.  She doesn't even understand the half of it.  Me and Joey had gone out for only 6 months.  I never fell in love with him.  He turned out to be a jerk and he was a bit clingy.  I ran my hand through my brunette locks.  "Honestly, Aria.  It only took me probably three weeks to get over him."  Aria smirked, "Only because you're a whore.  We all know that you faked the heartache."  She playfully put a hand to her heart.  I arched a brow, "What heartache.  Aria, there was never any heartache.  It took me three weeks because I actually do care for him."

Aria doubtfully nodded her head, mouthing the word, "Sure."   Seriously, there's no point in arguing with her.  We walked around some jewelry store in the mall Aria wanted to check out.  If only she knew how to walk.  The cashier in the store kept glaring at us because Aria would run into something, knock it over, crack up, and walk away without picking it up.  Suddenly, I felt hands around my waist.  "Are you picking out something pretty for tonight?"  A deep voice asked.  I couldn't help but smile.  The man I could honestly say I love, was in my presence. I turned to look directly into Ryan's eyes.  Ryan had light brown skin and piercing brownish-green eyes.  He's tall and muscular, definitely eye candy.

"Actually, me and Aria were just shopping-" I was interrupted by Aria running into something else.  I snapped my head in her direction.  She was silently cracking up at the mess she had made.  Necklaces were scattered all over the ground.  The cashier stormed over here, "I'm gonna have to ask you to leave! This is the fifth mess I have had to clean up from you and you've only been in here for ten minutes." 

Aria stuck her tongue out at the woman and flipped her the bird.  Rage filled the cashiers' eyes.   "Aria! That's rude.  Use your manners."  I scolded her.

She glared at me, "Who are you? My mom? Awful young don'tcha think?"  I rolled my eyes and looked back at Ryan, who was shaking his head at Aria making a scene.  "Out now!"  The cashier pointed a finger at the door.  Aria gasped, "Kaya! Tell her it's not polite to point.  That's rude."  She mocked me.  I sighed and grabbed her arm, pulling her out of the store.  Aria started giggling.  She can be so childish some times.

I think Aria intentionally tries to piss me off sometimes.  I stopped by the giant water fountain in the center of the mall.  She giggled, a scent of alcohol got to me.  I know she wasn't full on drunk though. "Aria! What the? Why do you smell like alcohol?"  I asked suspiciously.  She didn't smell like that when we were driving here.

"You know when we were in the food court, and you went to the restroom?  Well I asked for an empty cup and poured some vodka in it."  Aria smiled proudly. "You're only a figment of my imagination."   I shook my head and attempted to distract myself from slapping her.  I turned and looked at Ryan, who had been strangely quite.  He was staring off into space.  "Ryan?  Are you alright?"  I asked.  He blinked and looked at me.  "Uh, yeah I'm fine.  I just, kinda have a bad felling about tonight."  Sometimes I wondered if Ryan was psychic or something.  He always got feelings, good and bad, about something.  About 90% of the time, the feelings meant something.

I remember when we first met, he told me about one of his feelings.


I stormed across the street and into the park.  Away from Joey's house.  Why won't Joey just drop the fact that I feel absolutely nothing for him?  I broke up with him last week and he still won't let it go.  I accidentally bumped into someone and fell.  Pain shot up from my back.  I had a scar there from almost being raped months ago.  When I met Joey.  I looked up and saw a tan-ish brown, muscular guy.  His hazel eyes looked into my brown ones.  "I'm sorry.  Are you okay?"  He helped me up from the ground.  I immediately put my hand on my back.  I winced from the pain.

"I'll be fine."  I mumbled.  Part of me knew that wasn't true.  "I had a feeling something like this would happen.  I should've been more cautious.  I always get these feelings and I still haven't learned."  He chuckled.  I saw in his eyes that he wasn't joking.  I smiled.  Strange, that's the first time I've smiled today.

*End of flashback

"Kaya?"  Ryan was waving his hand in front of my face.  I shook my head, "Sorry.  Do you think you'll be okay to go out tonight?"  Ryan thought about it for a moment, "Well it doesn't seem all that strong... maybe we'll be okay."  He sounded a little unsure.  I shook it off and just smiled.  "Okay."

I needed a night out anyways.  I've been a bit stressed for the past few months.  I mean with Joey trying to convince me to just be his friend,  and everything.  Aria considers him a stalker, which I'm starting to believe it.  I always feel as if I'm being watched and I see Joey in alot of the same places I'm at.  It's starting to freak me out but I keep shrugging it off as mere coincidence.

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