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Kaya's POV

      Joey threw me to the ground and slammed the door shut.   I picked myself up and took a deep breath.  Stay calm, I told myself.  At this moment in time, I'm not sure if I can though.  After the last time, it's close to impossible for me to actually stay strong.

     I backed away to the wall.  Each step I took back, Joey took forward.  I closed my eyes and quickly prayed.  When I opened my eyes Joey was right in front of me.  His pinned me to the wall and was too close for comfort.   I could tell by the look in his eyes that I was about to pay a visit in Hell.  Oh the joy!


Paul's POV

     I don't know how much longer I can stand Joey.  He hasn't given me any answers.  Instead, he'd rather me kill a innocent person.  The other night when I stabbed Ryan,  I made sure I stabbed him in a place where it wouldn't hit any major organs.  I didn't want to kill him.  I must've hit something though, seeing as he hasn't woke up yet.

     I listened to Kaya's screams and the sound of Joey beating her.   It brought back horrible memories.  Nightmares, I didn't want to remember.   Ryan and Kaya didn't deserve this.  No one does.  I hate myself for going along with this, but I had too.  It was the only way I could find her.  My sister.  Joey's old obsession.

I will find her... and I will kill him.


Kaya's POV

   Joey pulled me by my hair and then bashed my head against the dresser.   "You do not... raise your voice to me.  You understand me?!"  He whispered in my ear.  I nodded.   "Do you understand me!?"  He yelled.  Tears flooded my eyes as I chocked out a response, "Y-yes.  I understa-and."

"Good."  Joey let go of me.  I was too weak to stand and collapsed onto the floor.  I couldn't breathe.  I couldn't see anymore.  Joey grabbed my legs and dragged me onto the bed.   I tried to fight back, but it was as if I was paralyzed.

  Soon, everything was black.


Aria's POV

   When Steven shot the gun, I let out a scream.   Although it hurt my throat even more, I couldn't help it.   I searched for my phone but couldn't find it.   God dammit!!, I thought.  I must've dropped it inside the house.  Hopefully someone heard the gunshot and called 911.

   What is wrong with Steven?  Why is he doing this to me?  He got in the car and drove off.   I cried as Tyler disappeared from view.   "Where are you taking me?"  I whispered, that's all I could manage.

"You left me at the dance."   He slurred.  He smelt like alcohol.  Lots of it.

"I didn't leave you."

"Liar!  You left because your stupid little friend disappeared."   What the hell?  He's not making any sense at all!  How is this a reason to shoot somebody and kidnap a person?


"Shut up!  You were the first girl I had ever gone out with.  I wasn't about to let you slip through my fingers."  Steven explained.  He pulled over to the side.

"We were never dating!"

"But we were going to!"

"No! We weren't!"  I attempted to yell.  I failed with that.  I looked around the car and opened the up the dashboard. 

"What are you doing?"  He asked.

Aha!  I knew it.  I remembered there had been a screwdriver in his dashboard.  I grabbed it, my grip on it was tight, then I flung my arm to the side and stabbed him.  Steven let out a scream.  Too bad it couldn't've been in the heart.  I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car, slamming the door behind me.  I walked around to the other side and pulled Steven out.

  Once he was on the ground and me in the car I rolled the window down and said, "Suck it up."  Then I turned the car around and drove back to Tyler.

I have amazed myself today.  I didn't know I was capable of doing that to someone.  Then again, humans can be capable of anything.


Paul's POV

   I got up and began pacing back and forth.  Joey has been in the room longer than before.   I looked over to Ryan and saw his eyes open.  Thank god I didn't kill him.  Ryan took a moment to wake up and then looked around.  "Kaya?"

 I sighed and told him that she was in the other room.   Ryan looked extremely pissed off about what I told him.  I don't blame him.  This is exactly how I felt when Joey had taken me and my sister.

I wasn't about to let what happened with me, happen to Ryan.  The nightmare of that day still haunts me.


=)  Sooo?  I was going to write a flashback but I went brain dead. lol  I'll make a flashback later.

Anyways,  I was thinking.... should I attempt to get this published?  Do you think it's good enough?  I can always edit it and add more stuff in, I suppose.  Thing is, I'd have to take this off of wattpad.  "/

Oh and I was thinking of putting my other stories on hold until I finish this one.

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