7- Let The Games Begin

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    Kaya's POV

       My head hurt alot.  I felt almost as if someone hit me in the head.  I opened my eyes a little.  At first everything was dark, then my eyes adjusted and it wasn't so dark.  Suddenly, everything came back to me.  I remembered everything up until I had last closed my eyes.   I started panicking and looked around.  I was in what looked like a basement, strapped to a chair.  What in the world? Where's Ryan, I wondered.

    I tried everyway I could to get out of this chair.  But my legs were tied t the chair legs and so on.  "Shit!"  I mumbled.  Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes.  I struggled to get loose from the rope.  "Let me out of here!"  I screamed in frustration.   I heard footsteps coming closer and instantly froze.  A tall guy, who looked like he took steriods and possibly escaped prison, stood in front of me.  I smiled a big, cheesy smile and I saw that not only were his teeth disgusting but, a few teeth were missing.  "About time you woke up, Princess."  Princess?  Uck.

   "What the hell do you want?"  I spat.  The big guy ran his hand across his shaven head and smirked,  "Oh, I don't want anything."  I arched a brow, confused.   More footsteps approached the room.  Joey appeared behind this massive guy, wearing a smirk.  "Hi, Kaya.  I missed you so much.  Did you miss me?"  He asked, getting in my face.  I was going to be sick.  I knew Joey was obsessed with me, but I never would've thought he would stoop this low.  Even with my delusions.  "Burn in Hell."  I said venomously, then spat in his face.

    Joey wiped the spit off of his face as if it was nothing.  "That's not very nice, love."  Double uck.


   Tyler's POV

    I woke up the next day, hoping that what had happened yesterday was just a nightmare.  Too bad it wasn't.  When I went downstairs for brunch, mom wasn't there.  Dad was sitting there staring at his hands, with a cup of coffee in front of him.  Figuring he needed to be alone, I went to find my mother.  I found her in her room staring at nothing, with tears running down her cheeks.  "It wasn't a dream was it?"  She asked, choking on her tears.  "No."  I whispered.

   She closed her eyes and layed her head back.  "Why her?  Why did it have to be her?"  I didn't know how to anwser that exactly.  Mom turned over and shooed me away.  After shutting her door, I walked back to my room and got dressed.  I need some air and I have to think.  I told dad I'd be at the park and left.  I had the urge to kill whoever had kidnapped my sister.  Sure, we may annoy each other, but I never thought this would happen to her and Ryan.  She was the perfect child, she's never gotten in trouble and always gets A's and B's.

    As for me, I always get into trouble and my average is a C-.  She doesn't deserve this and I'm gonna help find her no matter what.

   As soon, as I got to the park I spotted Aria.  She was sitting on the bench with her face buried in her hands.  This is how you would know she's in deep thought.  I sat next to her and she looked up at me.  "Hey, Tyler."  She mumbled,  "What are you doing here?"

"Needed time to think."  I stated.  We sat in silence for a while, just thinking.  "Ya know,  I don't like waking up in the morning, without Kaya yelling in my ear."  I confessed.  Aria just looked at me and smiled.  Then she just hugged me.  This was much better than pity.  Not long after she pulled away.  "I want to help find her and Ryan.  I want to kill the bastard who did this to them."  Aria looked away from me.  "Me too, Tyler.  Me too."


Kaya's POV

    An hour must've passed and now, Joey was forcing me to say stuff.   "You know, love, Ryan isn't the right guy for you.  He doesn't love you.  He's just using you."  Then he stepped closer to me and got in my face again, "I love you."  His breath smelt horrid.  I wish I could kick him or something right now.  I just looked at him in disgust.  He's gotta be kidding me.

"Say you love me too."  Joey told me.  I widened my eyes, "Hell no."

"Say you love me!"  He demanded, raising his voice. 

I shook my head, "Never."

Joey cocked his head to the left.  "Say. You love me." He said through clenched teeth.

"No, I won't say it.  I hate you!  I could never love you."  I yelled.

Joey looked at Paul, the guy on steroids.  They were speaking to each other with their eyes.  Paul nodded and walked over to where Ryan was and pulled him closer to me.

I gasped, "You wouldn't."  Joey just smirked and said, "I would.  Now, say you love me."

"No.  Let him go!"

"I will, if you would just say you love me."


Joey nodded at Paul.  Then to my horror, Paul pulled out a knife and stabbed Ryan.  Ryan cried out in pain.  Warm tears began running down my face, "No.  Leave him alone."  Stab. Twist. Pull.  That's what Paul kept doing.  "Fine, fine! I love you.  Are you happy? Now, let him go!"  I screamed through tears.  Joey smiled satisfied.  I looked at Paul, and he smirked.  Then Paul yanked the knife out of Ryan's chest.  Ryan cried out again.  His shirt was covered in blood.

Then Joey and Paul left the room.  Left me tied in this chair, to watch the love of my life, slowly die.


Sooooo, like?

It isn't edited, sorry. 

Oh, so I might start putting up poems that my friend writes.  She's really good at writing them.  I tried to tell her to make a wattpad account and post them on there, but she doesn't want to.  "/ So, I might post them for her.

Oh, and give me feedback.  That stuff helps people improve.  =P

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I love you guys and thanks for reading. =)

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