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This one isn't fully edited.



Kaya's POV

   When Joey was done with me, he threw me back into the basement.  "I'll be back later."  He said with a smirk.  I backed into the wall and closed my eyes.  I tried to hold the tears in as I slid down the wall, but I failed.  I curled up in a fetus position and cried.  I just want to go home.  Why did this have to happen to me?  What did I do to deserve this.... punishment.  Nothing.  I did nothing.

   I looked up at Ryan to see he still had not awaken.  Panic rose inside of me again.  Even though I was in pain, I made my way over to him.  I touched his neck to find his pulse.  His body was still warm, but was getting colder.  He needed to get to a hospital.  "Ryan, baby, please.... stay with me."  I choked out in a whisper.  "Stay with me, we're gonna get out of this."  Tears fell from my eyes like water falls when I couldn't find his pulse.

  "No, no, no.  Stay with me.  Don't leave me here alone, please."  I cried.  I don't care if he couldn't hear me.  I needed Ryan.  He's my everything.  If I lose him, then I don't care if I die.  As long as I'm with him.  I layed my head on his chest.  A waited for a sound, that could relieve me.  Then I heard it, a heartbeat.  I smiled a small smile.  Another one came.  Thank god, he's alive.  I layed there with my head on his chest.  Falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.


Tyler's POV

   "Tyler?  Tyler!"  Ms. Austeen yelled, "Are you listening?"  I lifted my head and glared at her.  I am not in the mood for her shit today.  "You know, just because your sister is missing doesn't mean you just give up with everything."

   Anger raced through my body, "Don't talk about my sister."  Ms. Austeen smirked, she had hit a nerve.  "You know, she wasn't all that great of a student when I had her.  She and her friend Aria, caused trouble.  I see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  Knowing her, she probably faked it or something."  That's it, "You bitch!"  I jumped up and attacked her.  I stared throwing punches.  I hate this woman.

  I felt large, cold hands on me, pulling me off of the old hag.  "Stop it right now."  A deep voice demanded.  I was familiar with the voice, Mr. Overmyer, the principal.  He led me out of the room, his hand still on my shoulder.  I shrugged his hand off and stormed off.  It wasn't until now I realized I had a tear running down my cheek.  I quickly wiped it away.  I was supposed to go to the office, obviously, instead I left the school.

"Hey! Get back her, now!"  Mr. Overmyer screamed.  I ignored him and kept walking.  I didn't stop until I reached my house.  I unlocked the door and went inside.  No one was home, it was just me.  So, I did what I do whenever I'm alone and in a bad mood.  I grabbed my dad's alcohol and went upstairs.  I grabbed a fresh razor out of the bathroom closet and went into my room.

  I sat on my bed and looked at my arms.  I hadn't cut myself for four months.  The scars had healed and some were barely noticeable.  I threw the razor in my bedside drawer and decided to just drink.

  Neither would bring Kaya back.  Neither would help at all, but I needed something.  Something to kill the pain.  I needed to blow off the steam that I've held in for a year.  This by far.... is the worst birthday ever.


Aria's POV

  I didn't go to school today.  I just couldn't concentrate.  With Kaya and Ryan gone and the police having no leads... I can't focus.  I want to cry.  Me and Kaya have been friends forever.  We were like sisters.  I'm going to do whatever it takes to find her.

  I rode on my bike down the familiar, peaceful sleep.  In the distance I saw Tyler run in his house.  I pulled out my phone and saw it was only eleven in the morning.  What was he doing home so early?  I put my phone back in my pocket and raced down the street.  I hopped off my bike and walked up to the door.  Tyler's going to be in trouble when his parents hear about this.

  I knocked on the door and waited.  No one answered.  I heard music playing from upstairs.  Great.  I tried the knob and was a bit surprised to see that Tyler didn't even bother to lock the door.  I noticed that the alcohol cabinet was open in the kitchen.  Oh god! "Tyler!"  I yelled and ran upstairs.  "Tyler!"  I began to bang on his door and tried to open it.

  He had locked the door, so I attempted to break down the door.  That only resulted in pain for my shoulder.  "Open the door, please Tyler.  I just want to talk."  Nothing.  Tyler just decided to turn the music up louder.  I groaned, "Open the god damn door, Tyler!"

  There was a crashing sound downstairs.  I furrowed my brows and slowly walked towards the stairs.  I will admit, I'm kinda scared.  I swallowed and walked down the stairs.  When I reached the bottom, someone grabbed me and hold something cold to my neck, making me scream.


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I'm kind of getting over my writers' block.  =)

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