19-Breaking Down

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Ahhh! This story is almost done with!  One more chapter then the epilogue!!!  Should I make a spin off with Paul searching for his sister?

Let me know!



Kaya's POV

   I sifted through a pile of papers, searching for anything that had to do with Paul's sister, Lillith.  I sighed, finding nothing in the pile.  Looking around, something caught my eye.  Something silver.  I walked towards it, carefully picking it up.

   I held it up and stared in awe.  It was a beautiful necklace.  A thick, silver heart with dull gold vines around it.  In the center was a small, round diamond.  Right above the diamond, written in cursive, was the name, Lillith.

"Paul?"  I called out.  I continued staring at it until I heard footsteps.  I turned just as Paul had entered the room.  I held the necklace up to him and arched a brow.  Paul's eyes widened as he took one step forward.

I walked to him and handed the necklace over.  "Find anything?"

Paul snapped out of whatever trance he had been in, and looked down and back at me.  "Actually, yeah.  I found this."

Paul held up what appeared to be a journal.  I scrunched my eyebrows together, "Is that-"

"Joey's.  Yep!" He finished, popping the 'p'.

A smile found it's way onto my face, "This is great!  Does it have anything on Lillith?"

"I haven't looked through it yet, but I have a feeling that this," He said, wiggling the book, "has all the info we need."

"Well look through it.  You don't want to leave thinking it has something.  What if it doesn't?"  I cocked my head to the side.

Paul nodded his head, "You've got a point there."  I agreed by smiling.

"I'll continue looking."  I said, turning.  I stopped remembering I had to ask something.  "Did you find a phone or  anything?"

"I found one but the lines were cut."

Damn it!  I guess we're going to have to go searching for one.  I sighed, "Maybe if we start walking, we'll find a house that has one or something."

Paul shook his head, "I don't think so.  Joey made sure this place was in the middle of nowhere and miles away from any roads."  Then he walked back into the other room.

My eyes widened.  Are you serious?  Actually, come to think of it, it makes perfect sense.  Joey was a pretty smart guy, I should've known better than to underestimate him.  Would we ever be found?  Would I die before help came along?

Reality hit me like a ton of bricks.  I may never get to see my family and friends again.  My boyfriends dead.  I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere with someone who was associated in the kidnapping and two murders.

What if Paul snapped?

What if I snapped?

I felt my eyes begin to water.  Tears started to fall down my face.  I knew the day would come when almost everything I had would be gone.  I just never figured it would be this soon.  I slid down the wall and placed my head in the palms of my hands, letting every single tear fall.


Paul's POV

    I walked back into the other room and sat down in a chair.  I thought about everything that has happened these past few months.  I regretted every single bit of it.  Joey was supposed to tell me where my sister was.  I had been too naive and trusting.  I believed he would actually tell me where she was.

I should've known better.


"Dude, why is the house way out here where?"  I asked, looking over to Joey who was in the drivers' seat.  We were coming out here for our summer vacation.  A few more friends were supposed to show up later.

Joey didn't blink, his blue eyes were ice cold with no emotion, whatsoever.  He had been acting weird for the past few months.  Ever since him and his girlfriend broke up, he just hasn't been the same.

He showed a different side than what I'd ever seen.  He was more violent, angry, quiet, impatient.  Everything about him had changed.  Lillith used to have the biggest crush on him, now she can barely stand him.

I looked behind me to see Lillith asleep.  She was the splitting image of our mother.  She had the straight blonde, almost white, hair, the unique electric green-blue eyes, and she was petite.  It was my job to take care of her ever since our parents died.  I didn't want anything to happen to her.  I don't know what I'd do.

I turned back around and noticed Joey glaring at us through the rear view mirror.  Seriously? What the hell is his problem?

Something told me that this summer, wasn't going to be the best.

(End of Flashback)

Why hadn't I seen it before?  I wondered.  That look he had in his eye before we even left my house.  I suddenly felt anger take over my body.  I should've paid more attention, none of this would've happened.

I stood up and paced back and forth.  All of a sudden, I punched a hole in the wall.

I didn't ask for this shit! I didn't want to help kidnap people, let alone murder them.  I didn't want to be in this situation.  I turned around and closed my eyes, attempting to calm myself down.  Something caught my attention.  A faint sound of crying.

It was Kaya.  I walked into the room where she was to see if she was okay.


She looked up and quickly wiped her eyes, standing up.

"What's wrong?"

I could tell she was trying not to cry again.  She looked around and her lip trembled.  I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her.  "I want to go home."  She mumbled, bursting into tears again.


AHHHGG!!!!  Sorry I planned for this to be the last chapter but apparently not.  I have to go and I need to upload so I'm giving you this.  I hope you enjoyed it! =)

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