5-The Dance

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    "Oh my gosh!  Guess what?!"  Aria said, jumping for joy.  I giggled at her childishness.  "Um, you bought me a flying rainbow ninja unicorn?"  I asked.  She stopped jumping and gave me a 'random much?' look.  Aria shook her head, "No....Steven asked me to the dance yesterday."  I smiled at her, I'm happy she got a date.  Steven and her make a cute couple too.  "Aria, that's great!"  I said excitedly.  I stepped down from the ladder and looked around.  The gym was dressed in gold and silver.  The two colors for the masquerade dance tonight.  It took the dance committee a whole week to finish this.  The balloons were hanging from the ceiling and would be dropped when the homecoming queen and king were announced.

   "Kaya, this is amazing."  Aria said in awe.  I guess she was too busy talking about Steven to notice the gym before.  Must not be too amazing.  I smiled at her, "Thanks.  I'm glad you like it.  I need to get home now so I can get ready."  I turned to leave but stopped and turned towards Aria, "Uh, I'm just asking but, why are you still here?  It's like 5:30."  I stated.  Aria looked at me with a guilty smile, "About that....I got detention."  My jaw dropped, "Aria!  You weren't supposed to get in trouble remember?"  I asked.  She nodded. 

"What if you're parents won't let you go?"

"Then I'll sneak out.  Kaya, you should've known I wouldn't be able to stay out of trouble for a whole month."  Aria stated.

I smirked and held out my hand, "I'll take that 50 dollars now."

Aria sighed and walked past me dragging her feet, "I'll give it to you at the dance."

"Okay.  Pinky promise?"  I asked.

She turned and stuck her pinky out, which I proudly wrapped my pinky around.


 "There.  All done."  I said to myself.   I stared at my reflection in the mirror.  My hair was curly and fell almost perfectly around my face.   My bangs were straightened and swept to the side, making my mocha orbs pop.  My dress was a beautiful mix of blue and green.  It complimented my light caramel complexion perfectly.  I heard the doorbell ring, it sent a shudder of excitement and nervousness.  "Kaya, Ryan's here."  My mom called.  I took a deep breath then walked down the stairs.  I smiled when I saw Ryan wearing his tux with a turquoise blue tie.  I swear, he reads my mind sometimes.  I never told him I was going to be wearing blue.

    "You look beautiful."  He said quietly.  I small smile made it's way onto my face.   "You look lovely darling.  Picture time!"  My mom squealed.  I rolled my eyes.  It's just like my mom to be cheesy.  Me and Ryan posed for a few pictures.  Ryan got the 'Don't touch my daughter.' and 'Be home by midnight.' speech.  Leave it up to my parents to be old fashioned.  We finally got to leave a little before the dance began.

    The first bit of the drive was silent.  I could tell something was up and I had to break the silence.

"Ryan, what's wrong?"  I asked.

He just shook his head and didn't even blink.  Something was clearly wrong.  "Tell me please."  I begged.  With a sigh he said, "I don't know.  I just have a bad feeling-"  I cut him off, "Not tonight, Ryan, please?"  He didn't answer and just kept driving.  I sighed, nice one Kaya.

 We pulled into the school parking lot and parked.  We sat in the car for a moment in more silence.  "Can we just have a good time tonight?"  Ryan asked.  "Yes."  I said.  Something else was up too.  I wondered what else could possibly be bothering him.  He seemed fine at earlier at school and when he picked me up.  Yet then again,  maybe he was hiding it.  I heard my car door open and slightly jumped.  I heard a chuckle and realized it had been Ryan who opened the door.  "Don't worry, I don't bite."  I smiled and got out of the car.

   Steven and Aria met us halfway to the school.  "Hey, what took you guys so long?"  Aria asked, hugging me.  Ryan and Steven gave each other that man hug thing.  "Sorry, my father wouldn't stop giving speeches to Ryan.  I wonder if he's gonna do the same when prom comes along."  I explained.  She gave me a nod that said she understood.  Aria looked stunning.  Her hair was in a low side ponytail.  She wore a coral colored dress and matching shoes.  It looked amazing on her fair skin. "You look nice Kaya."  I heard Steven say.

  "Uh uh, eyes on your own date."  Ryan teased.  "Yeah, what he said."  Aria agreed, looping her arm around Stevens'.  We put our masks on and walked into the school, making our way to the gym.  The gym looked even prettier with the lights off and the dancing lights flickering all haywire.  "This turned out great."  I exclaimed, proud of the dance committe's work.  "You did a fantastic job."  Ryan complimented.  I smiled and pulled him towards the snack table, leaving Steven and Aria alone.

  I stopped in front of the table and looked at Ryan with a serious look.  "Look, if you're bad feeling gets worse, just let me know and we'll leave. Okay?"  He nodded and I smiled, "Now let's dance."


  Around 11, I started to feel tired.  By now, I was sitting on Ryan's lap with my head on his shoulder.  I yawned and Ryan noticed.  I didn't want to leave yet though. "Are you tired?  Do you want me to take you home?"  He asked.  I shook my head, "I wanna see who wins homecoming queen and king.  But I would like some air. "  Ryan agreed and got up.  The gym was hot and stuffy, I felt as if I were suffocating.

  We walked out of the school hand in hand.  "So, are you enjoying the dance?"  He asked, taking his mask off.  "Yeah, it's not as fun as I had hoped but still-"  He interrupted me, "Not as fun as you had hoped?  I'm here aren't I?"  Ryan teased.  I stuck my tongue out, "Yeah, well you were the best part."  I said.  "I love you."  "I love you too."  I said.  I heard footsteps behind me.  The sounded like the person was in a hurry and angry.  I turned to see a person, all dressed in black, quickly walking towards us.  I could tell it was a man and he had something big in his hands.

   I actually felt frightened.  I turned back to Ryan and tugged on his sleeve.  When we both looked back, I heard a sickening crack.  It took me a moment to realize that Ryan was now on the ground.  The guy hovered over him with what looked like a baseball bat.  I opened my mouth to scream but he covered my mouth with a cloth.  I started seeing black and white shapes, eventually everything went black.


Aria's POV next chapter.  IDK I feel this is kinda rushed, but I wanted to get this chapter finished with and I had to hurry.  Sooooo.....

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