8-The Search

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Kaya's POV

     I sat and watched as Ryan was slowly dying.  Tears were running non-stop down my face.  This can't be happening.  I wiggled my hands around to get loose.  Come on, come on, i thought.  I pulled really hard, which hurt like crazy, but finally mya hands were free.  I looked them over quickly, and saw the ropes had dug deep into my skin.   I untied my legs and hurried over to Ryan.

   "Ryan."  I whispered.  I lifted him up into a sitting position, and took his jacket off.  Then I used his jacket to hold pressure on his wounds.  "It's gonna be okay.  We're going to get out of here, alive."  I said.  Although I wasn't sure if we'd make it out alive, I had hope.  I won't die here.


Aria's POV

        I walked into the police department and searched for Kaya's dad.  "Ma'am, may I help you?"  An officer approached me and asked.  I asked for Kaya's dad and the officer pointed me to his office.  I walked quickly over to his door and knocked.  He had his head in the palms of his hands.  He looked up and motioned for me to come in.

  "Sorry to bother you, Mr. Gilbert, but I wanted to know if you had any leads yet."  I said.  I knew only a day had passed and there probably weren't any leads but,  I had to ask.  Mr. Gilbert shook his head.  "Well,  I do know that Joey kinda stalked Kaya.  Maybe he did this."  Mr. Gilbert looked at me, "Kaya's ex?  No, he moved at of state last month."  Damn, so it couldn't be Joey.  Who else could it be?


Kaya's POV

    I woke up to a loud bang.  I jolted up to the loud sound.  "Wake up Princess."  Paul said.  I looked up at him and swallowed, "Why are you doing this?"  Paul shook his head.  He stared into my eyes, coldly.  "I'm afraid that's confidential, sweet cheeks."  Gross.  "You don't have to listen to him.  You know that right?"

Paul nodded, "I have a perfectly good reason." He started to walk to the other side of the room.

I suddenly got curious and had to ask, "What's the reason?"  Paul froze and held his breath, then he turned his head and looked at me from over his shoulder, "It's none of your buisness."

  I sighed.  I heard footsteps coming downstairs and froze.  As soon as Joey layed eyes on me, he smiled.  He had smiled a smile that said he was completely, in love, with me.  "Good morning, love."  He said, his smile turned into a frown when he saw me next to Ryan.

   "What is this?"  Joey asked, digusted.  "What's it look like?"  I spat, earning myself a slap across the face.  My cheek burned with pain and I glared at Joey.  His anger soon turned into sadness, "I'm sorry, love.  You still love me right?"  I looked around, biting on my lip, avoiding his question.  I heard a loud crash, something had hit the wall. 

 "Do not put me in a bad mood, Kaya!  Just answer the god damn question!"  Joey screamed.  I don't know what came over me, but I knew I was going to get some sort of punishment, when I said, "No! I never have and never will!"

   Joey looked hurt, but I didn't give a shit.  I hope he burns in hell.  Suddenly, Joey grabbed my wrist, being sure to tighten the grip, and pulled me towards a different room.  "After we're through, I know you'll love me."  He said with a smirk.  Tears started to pour out of my eyes.  I didn't want this, I just wanna go home.  I want to see my family and be happy again.

  I looked behind me see if Ryan had woken up yet.  He hadn't, but Paul was watching, with a look on his face that clearly spelt, pity.


Okay, sorry about how long it took to get this up.  I have major writer's block with this story, but I'll keep uploading.

Sorry if it isn't good.  I had a hard time writing this and I don't know why.


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