VTHYO chap:01

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This is a place abandoned by the bustling city.

The deep alleys are cramped, **** all over the floor, and the air stinks all the year round. Except for mosquitoes and occasional wild cats and dogs, few people appear here.

The night was dark and rich, a small arm slowly stretched out from the trash can, followed by a short leg and torso, and finally the hand was not firmly grasped, and the whole person fell to the ground.

The white hospital gown that was wrapped around her was already stained, and it was sticky and wrinkled against the skin like an old rag. The little dumpling had bare feet, and only a pair of eyes on his dirty face were still clean and smart.

Ye Ya rubbed her eyes, looked around at a loss, and noticed that she had a body. She widened her eyes, swayed her feet as if she had discovered a new continent, pinched her cheeks, and tilted her head to see a twisted weed growing in the corner of the wall.

Ye Ya's pupils lit up, she crawled over with her limbs, lowered her head and asked politely, "Hello, do you know where this place is?"

The weeds swayed in the wind and murmured.


"...I don't understand what you're saying." Ye Ya pursed her lips, "Can you speak common nonsense?"

The weeds were chattering for a while again, which translates as little turtle cubs get away, don't suffer me.

- The environment is not good, even the wild flowers and weeds that grow here are very violent.

No one answered for a long time, Ye Ya wrapped her hands around her knees, shrank in the corner and shivered.

It's dark here, there's no moon and no stars, and the sky is as deep as ink cloth pressing down. There is no familiar spiritual energy around, Xiaocao speaks in dialects, and there is strangeness and crisis everywhere.

Ye Ya's lips were tight.

She just turned 100 this year. She belongs to the cub of the Flower Clan. Because she has no transformation, she needs her parents to accompany her every day and take care of her in sunlight.

She didn't know what happened, but only remembered that when she woke up, she saw the red light filling the sky, the divine fire was raging, and the spiritual land instantly turned into an Asura hell, and her father disappeared into the fire to protect them from leaving.

The mother hugged her, and in the end she only heard her say: "Yeya, live..."

"Mom..." Ye Ya was so sad that she couldn't control her tears from flowing down. When the tears fell to the ground, a slender four-leaf clover slowly grew in the cracks, and that green leaf became the only bright color in the darkness.

[The host leaf bud activates the system, and the system 01 serves you. ]

The sudden icy voice made Ye Ya's tears stop suddenly, her eyes widened and she patrolled back and forth blankly.

[Please familiarize the host with the following plot and complete the task. Current progress 0%]

The voice was an emotionless reading machine.

The second after he finished speaking, a transparent panel slid down in front of his eyes, with dense small characters floating on it. As a preschool monster, Ye Ya didn't know a word.

The night wind was cold, and the wounds on his body were painful.

Ye Ya's eyes were hazy with tears, and her soft and waxy voice was trembling: "Uncle, you ... do you know where my parents are? Can you send me back to the spiritual land?]

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