VTHYO chap:07

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The climate in March is relaxed and comfortable, the willow trees on both sides of the road are budding, and the green leaves add a touch of vitality to the city


Ye Qinghe looked out the window casually, and in his sight, a small pink electric donkey passed by. He blinked, and vaguely felt that the cyclist was a little familiar, as if... he was at the same table, Shen Zhou?

The car slowly stopped at the school gate, Ye Qinghe put away his thoughts, carried his schoolbag, picked up the bag and got out of the car.

Entering the key class, Ye Qinghe saw Shen Zhou who was arranging the table with no expression on his face.

He pursed his lips and went over to pull out the chair and sit down.

"Good morning, classmate Shen Zhou."

Shen Zhou was cold and indifferent, as if he hadn't heard his greeting.

Ye Qinghe had long been accustomed to the attitude of the same table, and did not feel angry at all.

"School uniform for you." Ye Qinghe put the bag over, "wash it clean, put it on later, or the teacher will scold you."

Monday is Flag Raising Day, and the school stipulates that every student must wear a school uniform. Anyone who violates the rules will definitely be criticized by the school.

Shen Zhou took out his school uniform coat. His wrinkled coat had already been washed clean, ironed neatly without any wrinkles, and there was an unknown scent on it, which was very pleasant.

He looked at the school uniform for a long time and didn't return to his senses.

"Ye Ya told me, she said thank you big brother for helping her."

Leaf buds?

A dirty little face appeared in Shen Zhou's mind.

It looks like she is back.

Shen Zhou was relieved.

"That..." Ye Qinghe leaned closer, "Can you tell me where you found Ya Ya?"

Shen Zhou put on his coat, lowered his eyebrows and said in a distant tone, "It depends on where you lost her."

There was malice in his words, undisguised malice.

Ye Qinghe knew that he had misunderstood.

But it is also understandable that anyone who sees Ye Ya's appearance at that time will be misunderstood.

"Thank you again, classmate Shen Zhou." Ye Qinghe sighed and got up to go out for morning exercises.

After the morning class was over, Shen Zhou was suddenly called to the office by the head teacher. Ye Qinghe happened to be entering to get the study materials. When he saw Shen Zhou, he stopped and stood silently behind the door.

"Teacher, did you call me?"

The teacher at the desk raised his head, "Sit down."

Shen Zhou sat quietly on the chair in front of her.

The head teacher looked at the taciturn, thin and tall boy with a little pity, and after sighing heavily, he said, "That's it, the husband who has been supporting you contacted me yesterday. For some special reasons, he is going to cancel the funding for you. …”

Shen Zhou's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and fell down slowly and lost.

He and his younger brother are from out of province and cannot attend the city's public schools.

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