VTHYO chap:03

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The door opened, and the boy went straight down.

He is not young, that is, twelve or thirteen years old. His hair is pitch-black, his eyes are like black jade, his eyebrows are tender and delicate, and his bones reveal a bit of warmth and nobility.

"What's the matter, Qinghe?" The driver in the front seat got out of the car and asked him curiously.

Ye Qinghe didn't speak, and kept staring at Ye Ya on the chair.

He felt that the surroundings were too dark, so he squatted in front of the chair and leaned a little closer.

The little girl was short of breath, her face was blushing abnormally, and she didn't know whether it was too cold or too insecure, and her body trembled from time to time.

Ye Qing's eyes moved down, and she stuck at the tear mole under her left eye.

"Yaya..." Ye Qinghe murmured, his fingertips touching her face unconsciously.


The driver's call brought him back to his senses, but Ye Qinghe remained silent. He bent down and gently carried the little dumpling into the car, raised his head and said to the still dazed driver, "Uncle Zhao, let's go."

As a part-time worker, the driver didn't ask much about the host's family, so he nodded and got into the car to start the engine.

Ye Ya was having a fever, and she was so drowsy that she didn't know that someone came over and took her into the car.

The car drove smoothly all the way. In the small space, Ye Qinghe couldn't stop looking at her curiously.

Much like.

Even the mole under the eyes is exactly the same.

His sister died untimely just a month after she was born.

After the death of the younger sister, the mother was so devastated that she forcibly used the younger sister's gene to clone a second leaf bud, despite her father's obstruction, without even changing the name.

Ye Qinghe remembered that since the clone sister came to the house, the relationship between her parents had obviously become cold. But the mother didn't care and gave Ye Ya the best she could.

However, this happiness did not last long.

His cloned sister showed an above-average IQ within a few months. She learned everything quickly, walked, spoke, and math for young children. She knew almost nothing. Because they are too smart, they don't have the conscious emotions that normal children should have. They don't cry or make trouble. Most of them are quiet, like a machine.

Ye Qinghe heard her mother say something: "Even if she looks the same, she is still not my daughter."

"Qinghe, your sister has long since died. Mom is going to find her now..."

After that day, my mother passed away.

Not long after, the one-year-old Ye Ya was sent away by his father. He explained that he was going abroad, but Ye Qinghe found a clone destruction agreement in his father's drawer. His father signed his name and fingerprinted on it. .

Ye Qinghe is still young, he doesn't understand the twists and turns of the adult world, he only remembers how sad his sister was when she left; he also doesn't know why sister Ye Ya, who should have been destroyed, came back here, he only knew that he was very happy and very happy , extremely happy.

When he was about to arrive at Ye's villa, Ye Qinghe looked at the driver who was driving: "Uncle Zhao, will Dad be back in more than a month?"

"If Mr. said quickly, he would be back in half a month."

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