VTHYO chap:04

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Ye Ya hugged Shen Zhou's crumpled school uniform tightly, and said the name she remembered: "Brother Shen Zhou gave it."

Shen day...

Ye Qinghe was stunned.

"Can you tell my brother why you are with him?"

Ye Ya continued to answer: "Brother Shen Zhou picked me up and gave me water. He is so kind, I will definitely repay him in the future~"

Although Hei Que looked a little fierce, she was also a little scared, but Shen Zhou was a good person, and she didn't think it was so scary when she thought about it.

If we meet again in the future, she will let that brother touch her little head again~ Because her mother said that the luck she brings to people is not forever, so she will let her little brother touch her a few more times.

Ye Qinghe didn't speak anymore, looking at the school uniform coat in deep thought.

He and Shen Zhou have been classmates since elementary school, and only two of them were promoted to a key class. In my impression, Shen Zhou is taciturn and has a poor family background, and is often the target of bullying by bad gangsters outside the school.

They had nothing to do with each other until one day when Ye Qinghe ran into trouble and Shen Zhou helped him solve it, he didn't have many people to talk to at school, so he wanted to be friends with Shen Zhou, but the other party's attitude was extremely cold.

Ye Qinghe looked at the dress, and couldn't help but put a light smile on his lips.

-Sure enough, classmate Shen Zhou is a good person with a cold face and a warm heart.

"Brother and Shen Zhou are classmates, do you want to help you return your clothes when you go to school?"

Xiaoye Ye thought about it for a while, and then replied, "Okay." She asked again with puzzlement, "Are you my brother?"

She tilted her small head sideways, her big eyes both puzzled and inquiring.

Ye Qinghe raised his hand and touched her messy and soft hair, his eyes were gentle and sincere, "Well, my brother will protect you in the future, and no one will bully you."

His mother, a researcher, had told him that cloning was against morals, and even more against humanity.

The mother kept talking about morality and humanity, but in the end she secretly created her out of her own thoughts, and left her regardless.

Ye Qinghe didn't know what his mother's word of humanity was, and he didn't know the boundaries of her so-called morality. He only knew that Ye Ya was a living life, and the beating heart in her chest needed blood to feed like them.

This time he will persuade his father to keep Ye Ya.

Ye Ya had eaten, and Dr. Li just happened to come over. He first gave Ye Ya a general body examination. Apart from lack of vitamins and malnutrition, the little girl did not have other serious problems. As for the injuries on her body, she only needed to pay attention to maintenance.

After the inspection, Ye Qinghe led Ye Ya around the house.

Ye Linchuan bought the entire hill in the suburbs, and the Ye family villa stood alone on the hillside. The villa is fully equipped, with a flower room, a swimming pool, and a children's playground. The back mountain is a horse farm, and there are several fierce horses that Ye Linchuan purchased from abroad at a high price.

Ye Qinghe took Ye Ya to the children's room first. She was not interested in the toys in the room. Seeing that the little girl didn't like it, Ye Qinghe took her to the flower room at the back of the villa.

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