VTHYO chap:11

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Because of his father's return, Ye Qinghe couldn't sleep all night.

In his living memory, his father was the epitome of ruthlessness and harshness.

He is decisive and meticulous, no sand can be rubbed in his eyes, and what he believes will not be easily changed. He didn't even hesitate to send Ye Ya away at that time, even if the girl looked exactly the same as his deceased youngest daughter.

Ye Qinghe had been hiding Ye Ya's existence from his father all this time, just because he was afraid that his father would take Ye Ya away when no one else said a word.

Ye Qinghe tossed and turned on the bed. His sister was too young, like a puppy, with no attack or self-protection power. As long as he thought of the scars on her body, his heart ached, no matter what, Ye Ya would be left behind this time.

In the darkness, Ye Qinghe opened his eyes.

- He is going to hide Yeya.

Ye Qinghe got up suddenly, put on slippers and came to Ye Ziyu's room.


On the bed, Ye Ziyu was sound asleep, Ye Qinghe climbed onto the bed, stretched out his hand and pushed him.

"What are you doing?" Ye Ziyu rolled over and waved his hand impatiently.

"You wake up, I have something to tell you."

"I'm very sleepy, brother." Ye Ziyu rubbed his sleepy eyes, his voice was slurred, "Tomorrow..."

Ye Qinghe paused: "Get up, I'll give you the set of limited-edition Transformers in my room."



That's a man's romance! !

Ye Ziyu was successfully tempted, lifted the quilt and sat up, "Okay, say it, I'll listen."

"Dad will be back the day after tomorrow."

"I know." Ye Ziyu nodded, triumphantly, "When Dad comes back, I will let Dad drive her away."

The one she was referring to was Ye Ya.

Ye Qinghe pursed his lips, this is what he wanted to say...

His eyelashes trembled uneasily, he took Ye Ziyu's hand, and lowered his voice unconsciously: "Can you hide Ya Ya in the secret room of your room?"

Behind the wall of this room is a secret room that was opened up. It was specially built by Ye Linchuan in order to relieve his emotions. Whenever Ye Ziyu fell ill or was in a bad mood, he would go in. There were his favorite books and toys in it. , and mother's relics.

Ye Qinghe thought about it.

He wants to put Ye Ya there temporarily, and take advantage of this time to explore his father's words and persuade him to release Ye Ya after that.

Ye Ziyu frowned: "Ah?" He was not happy, "I don't want it."

Ye Qinghe: "Transformers."

Ye Ziyu: "But..."

Ye Qinghe: "Limited."


"Then... just, just one day." In front of the toys, Ye Ziyu compromised, "Only one day."

"Okay." Ye Qinghe smiled comfortably, "You also promise me that you can't tell Dad Ye Ya's news."

"Got it." Ye Ziyu was so sleepy, he yawned, "Is there anything else, brother? I'm going to sleep now."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2022 ⏰

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