Types of Earth Angels

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Did you know that there are many different types of Earth Angels too? Below, I've listed the most common ones I've encountered and had the pleasure of working with. Some of these you might recognise within yourself, or even those around you.

These are the angels who want to do everything and anything in their lifetime. They want to experience everything this world has to offer. These people are multipotentialites and rarely settle on one career. They believe they have more than one mission to carry out in this lifetime, and often feel overwhelmed at the thought of choosing just one path.

Inspired by their own imagination, the creators see no limits as to what's possible in this world. They love to bring new ways of doing something to the table. These people are the designers, innovators, architects and makers amongst us. They view life as a giant canvas for self expression.

Adventurers are the wild and solo type of Earth Angel. They love trying new things, meeting new people and most importantly, letting their soul roam free. But, unlike the overachiever, the adventurer has a specific infatuation with travel and culture. These are the volunteers, digital nomads and live abroad kind of people. You might struggle to pin them down to one place in particular.

These are the counsellor archetypes. They have a talent for listening, and helping others reframe their problems. They love to serve, be it through traditional healing roles such as medicine and therapy or non-traditional modalities such as writing, money coaching and public speaking etc.

Earth Angels who aren't aware of their capabilities, talents and authentic self typically fall into this category. It's very easy for Earth Angels to embody the energy of the hermit; someone who spends a lot of time alone and needs introspection to thrive. As a way of defending themselves and their energy, these people believe it is better to be alone than it is to be misunderstood. And whilst we all need our alone time, this belief can get out of control and lead to isolation.

Earth Angels' overarching mission is one of compassion, love and inspiration. Collectively, they are here to infuse optimism, light and joy where it doesn't exist. They are the bringers of light because their energy and soul vibration is so pure. This doesn't mean they need to be fixing or doing all the time though; many Earth Angels carry a deeply personal soul mission within their DNA that requires them to just 'be'. A soul mission that allows them to be happy and experience what a physical 3D life has to offer. By no means is this selfish or a waste of divine talent. The idea of 'doing, 'doing, doing' is purely a man-made one. The celestial realms practice tuning into the flow of the higher self and doing what feels right. That said, some Earth Angels are here as divine healers and they would feel lost without serving. In which case, their soul purpose involves transmuting heavier, darker energies and transforming them into lighter ones. I've always called these beautiful souls 'Moon Seeds', as they've agreed to incarnate here to work with the darker side of the world's psyche which is never to be taken lightly. These loving souls often have a turbulent childhood and face heavy trauma in the early half of their lives. Though painful, this experience enables them to heal themselves to then share their story with others so they too can heal. It's partly why Earth Angels are so empathic.

Discovering you're an Earth Angel is one thing, but what do you do with this knowledge? How are you supposed to work out what you came to do? It's a good question, and I'm afraid not one I can answer for you.  Earth Angel's are either born with the innate knowledge of their soul mission, or it comes to them after having gone through an Earth Angel spiritual awakening. If there's a piece of advice I could give you it would be this; whatever idea or path seems the most crazy, most wild, and most free is the path you were always meant to walk. These loving souls often have a turbulent childhood and face heavy trauma in the early half of their lives. Though painful, this experience enables them to heal themselves to then share their story with others so they too can heal. It's partly why Earth Angels are so empathic.  These souls are bound by no earthly limitations. They're effortless manifestors. They can wield the power of the divine realms to make anything they wish a reality.  Whatever speaks to your soul or makes you feel full of fear is the very thing that will pull you out of your human shell and into your Earth Angel one. Fear is a good indicator as to where your mindset limits lie; it shows where you're cutting yourself off from the infinite well that is universal power. Follow the path you fear the most to find your most authentic self.

Earth Angels don't look any different to a regular human, though they can hold a certain angelic quality about them. A bubbly personality. An uncanny optimism. A pure, child-like joy.  Similar to starseeds, a soul seeking expansion and growth won't choose a 'body' based on its looks, but instead, it will choose someone based upon agreed soul contracts, the body's energetic blueprint and past lives. An Earth Angel will choose to incarnate into a body that has potential for growth and healing. Earth Angels can be tall, short, fat, thin, have defining features, or none at all. If you resonate with Earth Angels, please don't think you need to have purely angelic-like qualities to be one – you absolutely don't!

I don't like to generalize what features or characteristics Earth Angels have as everyone is different, but from experience, these are the most common defining traits.

- A white, golden yellow or green aura
- A smile that brightens up their face
- Child-like innocence
- An insatiable curiosity & thirst for knowledge
- A rare perspective and outlook on life
- A joy bringer
- Secretly an introvert, even if they appear outgoing
- Quietly confident
- Humble
- Brings the best out of those around them (or jealousy and envy in unevolved souls)

Plus, because of their nature and way of being they have a tendency to attract 'broken souls'; souls who are misguided, need healing and drain other people's energy. It's true that opposites attract.  If you ever meet another Earth Angel, you'll know what I mean. Earth Angels are purer than pure, completely innocent and carry an undeniable sense of hope. They're shrouded in mystery as very few people understand what to do with such a beautiful spirit. It's why they have a hard time with love and relationships. Not all hope is lost though. The key to finding a compatible relationship as an Earth Angel is setting boundaries and honoring your own values and worth. These souls need to put themselves first before extending that loving energy elsewhere.

You might be surprised to know that an Earth Angel's guardian angel can walk the Earth in the form of a person. If you've ever caught a stranger's eye and felt an instant, but unusual connection to them, it's possible you were experiencing a guardian angel sighting. This connection will feel kind, friendly and unusually warm. It's not the same as seeing someone you're attracted to or catching someone staring at you, only for them to look away. Instead, it will seem like you've known them for a long time, or can't quite put your finger on where you've seen them before. You might even have a feeling that this 'person' is your guardian angel disguised as another Earth Angel. It's a type of interaction you don't come across very often on Earth, if at all.

There's no known record of how many Earth Angels are believed to roam the Earth, though based on their unusual personality traits and characteristics, an encounter with one is likely very rare. Some angel channelers believe that less than 2% of the world's overall population are Earth Angels, which is likely very accurate.

Now you've found out that you're an Earth Angel, it's time to discover how to use your unique skills, talents and divine capabilities to create a life you love. Thriving on Earth as an Earth Angel isn't as frightening as it may seem. It comes down to a few core factors:
- Understanding that you are inherently different to other people and embracing it, celebrating it even.
- Setting firm boundaries so that your precious energy isn't sapped by other less evolved souls.
- Taking the time to rediscover your own vitality, personal power and wellbeing. No act of self care is selfish, even if that means saying 'no'.
- Vowing never to dim your light to fit into the box that other people want to put you in.
- You are truly a loving and beautiful soul that deserves to be happy and free. Believe it and claim that energy.
- More so than ever before, you have the intelligence of the entire cosmos within every cell and fiber of your body. It's time to fully step into your authentic power and reveal the magnificent being that you are.

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