Alone to Die

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"Justice will prevail you say, but of course it will. Whoever wins this war becomes Justice."

Ned Stark

He started telling him everything about his nephews and nieces as he took another drink.

As Ned talked about his children, mostly about Jon, knowing Benjen had a soft spot for him. Benjen listened with attention; he had decided to visit Winterfell after this Rebellion ended; that would be a chance to catch up with his nephews and nieces and see them again.

Ned took a sip from his beer before smiling as he remembered something. "This one time, Arya was only a few months old, she was crying her heart out, Cat was desperately trying to make her stop, but she just didn't wanted. Cat came to me, complaining and telling me to come, perhaps she would quite down, We arrived shortly only to see Jon singing to Arya," Ned said, smiling brightly; Benjen returned the smile, imagining it in his head.

He imagined a little Jon singing to Arya, whose cries eventually turned to giggles in his mind.

"From that point, every time Arya was crying, Jon would start singing, and she would be silent immediately. Sometimes I even wonder if she purposely cried just so Jon can sing to her," Ned finished with laughter, soon joined by Benjen.

After it quieted down, Benjen drank water, wiping away the taste left on his lips. "I wonder from who he got that from," Benjen commented, not noticing that Ned suddenly stiffened.

"Can't be Brandon; he couldn't sing shit; even a donkey could sing better than him. What do you think?" Benjen asked with a burst of laughter before looking up at his brother again, only now noticing his pale face, almost as if he just saw a White Waker.

"Ned, you okay?" Benjen asked, concerned as he put the cup down on the table before looking closely at his brother, who looked as if he didn't hear him.

"Ned," Benjen shouted, now breaking his brother from his thoughts; Ned looked at him confused.


"What do you mean 'What'? What happened?!" Benjen asked with concern.

Only now did Ned notice that he had probably been too deep in his thoughts. "N-Nothing Benjen, just... old ghosts," Ned spoke, suddenly feeling his throat dry.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to open old wounds," Benjen apologized, thinking that talking about Brandon was still a sour topic for him.

Ned was about to change the subject when the guard walked inside.

"My lord, his grace has called a meeting," The guard spoke before leaving. Ned drank some water before standing up, suddenly feeling nervous, he knew it would eventually come the time to stand in front of the King again, but still, he felt unprepared.

Benjen seemed to have noticed his discomfort. "Hey, everything alright?"

Ned looked at him before nodding his head, "Yes," he murmured before walking outside, closely followed by Benjen.

Arriving at the tent of the King, his eyes saw many faces, some new, some old; he immediately recognized the sour face of Stannis, who looked older than his age; Ned wondered whether or not to talk with him but immediately decided to shut down that idea entirely.

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