White Harbor

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The Following TEN Chapters are available for Patrons.

Chapter 41 (A Bear's Roar), Chapter 42 (Where it All Began), Chapter 43 (Harrenhal), Chapter 44 (A Feast and A Queen), Chapter 45 (Queen Rhaella and The Hidden Prince), Chapter 46 (My Name is Aemon Targaryen), Chapter 47 (Jenny of Old Stone), Chapter 48 (A Sister's Love), Chapter 49 (Arianne's Passion), and Chapter 50 (Trial by Combat) are already available for Patrons.

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Rhaella Targaryen - Near Harrenhal

She and the entire Royal Family were making their way toward Harrenhal; their large party consisted of the Kingsguards, Servants, Soldiers, multiple carriages, and the Royal Family. Rhaella was both anxious and excited about the Tourney. The nameless had informed her how Jon Snow had been treated in general, she had wanted to know everything about him, and how his life in Winterfell had been so far was one of them, and Rhaella had wanted nothing more than to return the punishment they deserved ten fold, remind everyone what is like to hurt a dragon. Still, the many years of being Queen had taught her to have a clear head in every situation and not lose her head.

She had stopped herself from thinking of punishing the entire House Stark. Instead, she would punish only the ones guilty of stealing her grandson and those responsible for him being treated like dirt.

Rhaella didn't know for sure yet; she had received information from her man, information on what kind of boy Jon was, and everything she heard added more to her belief that Jon was her grandson that Lord Stark had stolen from them; he was apparently good at singing, sword fighting, and horse riding, he brooded quite often, and most importantly her source of information described Jon Snow as incredibly handsome, and has the looks of King Rhaegar when he was younger. Still, she wanted to see him herself; every time she thought of informing either Rhaegar or Elia, the image of them mourning for Lyanna and their child stopped her.

The last thing she wanted was to give them false hope based on words from her and the Nameless, and if, in the end, turns out she had been chasing a ghost for the past four years, then she would have done nothing but reopen old wounds that had taken almost a decade to somehow close. Queen Rhaella escaped her thoughts when the carriage stopped moving.

They were close to the bank of the Trident. The royal party had stopped moving; she could see Rhaenys and Dany talking and a squire preparing their horses; her sharp eyes went to Aegon, who was listening to something Ser Barristan was telling him. Rhaella had an idea of what her grandson was talking about with the old kingsguard. The Tourney was near, and Barristan was a well-known good jouster and fighter. He had told her before that he had wanted to win the Jousting back at Harrenhall and crown Ashara Dayne as Queen of Love and Beauty but was beaten at the last round by her son.

Her daughter-in-law seemed to be looking forward to the Tourney, saying it was about time Rhaenys found a husband, and Dany could perhaps find a betrothal.

Viserys, on the other hand, looked bored and didn't care. Rhaella mentally frowned at her youngest son, drinking a cup of wine, a whore on his lap as he was telling something to her ear. Rhaella felt a headache; she had tried everything to get him more serious and do something. Still, he refused everything, Rhaegar had offered him to become The Hand of the King, but Viserys had refused everything, saying he didn't care for any of that. Rhaella had heard him multiple times when drunk that there was only one thing he ever wanted, A Dragon. The one thing they couldn't give him.

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