Ned's Regrets

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Chapter 35 (Direwolves of House Stark), Chapter 36 (No Time Left), Chapter 37 (A Wildling's Life), Chapter 38 (Crow's Eye), Chapter 39 (To The South), Chapter 40 (White Harbor), Chapter 41 (A Bear's Roar), Chapter 42 (Where it All Began), Chapter 43 (Harrenhal), and Chapter 44 (A Feast and A Queen) are already available for Patrons.

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Ned Stark

His whole life, the Lord of House Stark, couldn't remember the last time he had been so nervous, afraid, and anxious. All of those feelings and more.

When he heard that his sister had been kidnapped, he had been furious, his heart demanding retribution and bringing justice for House Stark, Lyanna, and Robert.

But one month later, he received the news about what happened in King's Landing, what happened to his big brother and father; everything had died down, and he had mourned for them whenever he could. But Ned had been denied even that; he didn't have time to mourn; he needed to prepare for War and marry a woman that should have married his big brother.

Ned had consummated the marriage, it was his duty to do so in case he never returned, and the next day he had left, marching to war and to bring justice. The thought of his sister, big brother, and father was what drove him, what convinced him to keep fighting and not give up; his wouldn't be broken that easily. The thought of killing the Mad King filled his heart with a desire for justice and to bring his sister home; that's all he wanted at the time, what was left of his family to be at home, to be in the North. To be in Winterfell. House Stark wasn't made for the South, and he would bring his sister home. That's all he had wanted.

Soon, they arrived in The Trident when everything he had believed for almost a year crumbled to dust. Only a few words were needed; that's all it took for everything he believed to break down like glass.

"Lyanna is safe. I never raped or kidnapped her. Here's all the proof you need,"

Rhaegar's words echoed in his mind like bells; at that moment, Eddard of House Stark didn't know how to feel anymore. It was all too much; he had just lost his best friend trying to kill who everyone thought was a rapist, someone who wasn't different from his father. All that revenge, all that anger, everything he had felt, what was it for? What did all of that have amounted to? Ned didn't know anymore; after months of condemning Rhaegar and Aerys, praying to the old gods for his sister's safety. Robert and Jon promising that they would save his sister, especially Robert, who would boast how he would slay Rhaegar with his big hammer before finding a whore somewhere to warm his bed.

Ned wasn't blind to what his friend did in his free time, but he didn't bother himself much with it; his entire focus was on avenging his brother and father and saving his sister.

That was until Rhaegar told the whole realm the truth, Lyanna was never in danger, and everyone that had died had practically died for nothing. Ned had thought of his brother and father, why they went to King's Landing, why they died brutally, screaming and maybe pleading for mercy.

Anger had engulfed Ned that day; his sister was alright, the quiet wolf couldn't help but ask. Why did they have to die? Why did Brandon have to die? Why my father? Why did I need to marry a woman that I don't love? Ashara?! I'm sorry, all those feelings made him dizzy; everything that had happened could've been avoided if only they had known the truth and if only Lyanna had told them about her relationship with the Dragon Prince.

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