A Tourney

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The Following NINE Chapters are avaliable for Patrons.

Chapter 34 (Ned's Regrets), Chapter 35 (Direwolves of House Stark), Chapter 36 (No Time Left), Chapter 37 (A Wildling's Life), Chapter 38 (Crow's Eye), Chapter 39 (To The South), Chapter 40 (White Harbor), Chapter 41 (A Bear's Roar), and Chapter 42 (Where it All Began) are already available for Patrons.

The Link is in my Profile.

Catelyn Tully - Tomorrow Morning

No, no, no, no, no. I won't tolerate this any longer, the bastard finally disappeared, but now he's back with a beautiful wife; why The Seven? Why??

Catelyn was furious; that bastard had no place here; he wasn't supposed ever to come back; he was supposed to have died in the woods somewhere, his corpse eaten by worms and animals, or go to The Wall.

Catelyn knew the wretched woman was a wildling, the lowest possible, even lower than the bastard somehow, but Catelyn wasn't a fool; she knew the woman was beautiful, and one could easily mistake her for a princess. Despite being raised amongst animals and savages, she seemed to know how to talk a little and smile, which would make many men fall over her. Catelyn wanted a woman like her as far away as possible; she didn't know what the animal wanted here, but Catelyn wanted her as further away as possible from Robb, and why did the seven give the bastard a woman like her?

For a brief moment, she wondered if the bastard had stolen and raped her, but she quickly dismissed the ridiculous thought; despite not liking him, she knew the bastard wasn't someone to do something like that. He was Ned's bastard; he had his honor, despite being a bastard.

Catelyn didn't want that woman with the bastard; the bastard didn't deserve someone as beautiful as her, even if said woman was an animal turned human.

"No," she screamed alone in her room; that bastard had humiliated her son again; for so many years, she had suffered the humiliation, the whispers, the stares; she knew they talked about the bastard, how he looked like a Stark, his mighty Direwolf was a sign of a True Stark with Northern Blood flowing in his veins. The lords often asked if they had found the bastard, how long before they saw him as a better option than Robb?

Catelyn's mind went to the Direwolf. No, that Direwolve should belong to Robb, not to a Bastard, to the heir of The North, not a bastard son of a whore.

On top of all that, the bastard had shown to be a good swordsman, someone who humiliated her son on everything, Maester Luwin singing praises, saying the bastard could become a Maester one day.

The thought of someone like him near Robb's children made her skin crawl. No, I won't allow it; if he becomes a maester, he will manipulate whoever was in the lord's castle. And if he becomes Robb's maester, he will have his hands on his children; the thought made her freeze in terror; there was only one way this could end. Only One.

She was about to stand up and barge into Ned's solar and demand the bastard be sent to the Wall. When the door cracked open, a face peeked out. It was Jeyne Poole who cleared her throat first before speaking.

"May I come in?" Catelyn simply gave her a shallow nod, wanting to get this over with and talk to Ned.

Jeyne opened the door all the way before closing it behind, the door letting out a click as it closed. Taking a few steps forward, away from the door, her eyes looking down at her feet before addressing her. "I'm sorry for interrupting my Lady, but were you in the Training Yard ten minutes ago?" She questioned with a hint of fear in her tone. She was still avoiding her eyes.

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