space between

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Mal -

"Mal..." says a voice behind me that I will always recognize. I turn away from my spray painting to see Evie, dressed back in her old Isle outfit. Of course she came.

"Evie..." She starts walking towards me but I put my hand out, signaling for her not to come closer. "I... why did you come? I told you not to," I say.

"M, I couldn't let you get yourself kidnapped, or even worse. And... I need you. You're my best friend, I needed to at least talk with you before I let you just run away."

I slump and sit on the ground. I let her sit next to me.

"M, what's going on? You can talk to me," she mutters, trying to take my hand.

"Well, I don't want to talk, okay?" I say, loudly, pushing her hand away.

She's silent, and she bites her lip.

"Okay, um, that's okay." We sit next to each other in silence for a while. How did she even get over here? She would've had to get the golden remote from...

"Wait, Ben didn't come with you, did he?" I ask, suddenly anxious. Evie chuckles lightly.

"No, he didn't. But... the boys are downstairs." I exhale loudly. Great, everyone's here to try to talk me out of staying.

"E... I'm not going back. I don't belong there."

"Of course you do! The people love you. I love you. You deserve the best, and the best is Auradon."

"No, Evie, it isn't. I... I just..." I stand up and groan in frustration. "You just don't get it."

Evie stands up too. "I might, if you told me."

"No, you wouldn't. You just... you won't, okay?" We're silent for a while again. 

"Just... leave me alone, okay? Just go. I'm sorry, E."

"M, I can't just let you go. Please, don't push me away."

"E, just go," I say, more firmly. She stands strongly planted though.

"Go!" I say again. I've never talked to her this way. But still, she doesn't budge. "Fine, if you really don't care what I want, just stay. Forget it." I turn and go back to spray painting.

"M, no. You can't say that." She says, suddenly a little angry. I look back at her. "You know I've always cared about you. The reason I came-the reason I came back to this horrible place, is because I care about you so much. Please, let me help you. Whatever you need, I'm here. Whatever you have to say, I'm listening."

"What I need is for you to leave me alone!" I yell. She sighs.

"Fine, I'll go. But I'll be back in a while."

I sigh as I hear her footsteps away and the click as the front door shuts behind her.

Evie -

"She won't talk to me," I tell the boys as I reach the end of the stairs. "I don't know what to do."

"Do you think either of us talking to her would be any use?" Carlos asks. I shake my head.

"I doubt it. She's back in the mode again." The boys nod. We all know how Mal gets into a mode sometimes where she won't talk to anyone and doesn't trust anyone, even someone like me whose always been there for her. Even though I've never confronted her about it, I always knew it was probably due to her mom, who she could never trust or talk to about anything, which was something all of us understood, on a, well, personal level.

God, what if we really can't get Mal back to Auradon? Will I go back without her, and somehow manage to go about my daily life without her? Who would I go to if I needed advice? Who would I rant to about the annoying parts of Doug? Our weekly movie nights, late-night study sessions, hours of prepping for dates together... gone. What would I do without her? But what would I do to be with her? Would I be willing to give up my life in Auradon to be with her on the Isle? Maybe.

happy ever after ☆ mevieWhere stories live. Discover now