our fairytale

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Evie -

"I can't believe there's only a month left of school," Mal says as we sit with the boys at lunch the next day.

"Woah, yeah, I hadn't even thought about that," I say. I take Mal's hand and nuzzle my cheek on hers. "I guess I've been distracted." She sighs happily.

"Yeah," Jay says, eating a french fry. "What are your guys' summer plans?"

"I think I'm gonna volunteer at the animal shelter," Carlos says. He pauses for a minute and laughs gently. "God, imagine what my mom would say."

"Imagine what my dad would think of me being part of a team," Jay says. I turn to Mal and we make eye contact, and I sense the hint of melancholy in her eyes. She must be thinking about what our parents would think of her and I being together.

"Oh, yeah, by the way, I got into a big tourney summer program thing. It's like, an intensive training. It's about an hour away," Jay says, excited all of a sudden.

"Oh, congrats, dude!" Mal says, emerging from our moment of sadness.

"That's awesome, Jay!" I say, following her out of the sadness.

"What are you two doing this summer?" Carlos asks.

"I don't know," I say, taking Mal's other hand. We gaze at each other for a moment and then I realize I haven't answered his question. I snort at my own crazy love for Mal. "Like I said, I've been distracted."

"Me too," Mal says, and I rest my head on her shoulder. "I guess just staying in Auradon."

"What did we even do during summer break on the Isle?" I ask, taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Well, last year we just, y'know," Jay started, snorting. "'Tore up the isle,'" he says, quoting our slogan. We all laugh. "But before that I would just work at my dad's shop."

"What does 'tear up the isle' even mean?" I ask myself, laughing. "Before that I would just spend the whole summer reading in mom's library," I say, remembering the many days I spent at home being castle-schooled. Even though those memories hold trauma, there are moments I shared with myself and my friends on the Isle that I will cherish forever.

"This is our first summer in Auradon," Carlos says. "It's weird that it wasn't that long ago we weren't living here."

"Yeah," I mutter. I turn back to Mal and think it's weird that it wasn't that long ago that I didn't know that I'm in love with her.

Mal -

The next three weeks fly by in a blur of homework, sunny days spent with Evie, and waiting for people to stop staring at us, which they eventually did. It's not until the Saturday before the last week of school that I realize that Evie and I have never had an official date. I realize it around 2am, struggling to sleep because of how much coffee I had the day before. So, of course, I start planning the perfect first date for my Evie.

I open a new note on my phone and title it with a purple heart and a blue heart. I think for a minute about what we could do for our first date. Maybe the movies, but I'd rather be able to have conversations, not just watch a movie. Then I land on the perfect idea: a picnic in Faery Hollow. We both would always do picnics with our boyfriends, so this could kind of be reclaiming them. Besides, I'm a way better, uh, boyfriend than Doug. Girlfriend I guess. Ok, I'm a way better partner than Doug.

I quickly get dressed in leggings and a purple hoodie and head out to Chip's Grocery Store. I pick up every blueberry-related snack, drink, and treat I can find. Blueberry muffins, blueberry scones, blueberry smoothies, blueberry shortcake, blueberry juice (which I didn't realize was a thing until now) and, of course, actual blueberries. I head back to our dorm, where Evie is waking up, as it's almost 6am.

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