i don't belong here

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Mal -

I run as fast as I can away from the ruins, across the bridge, through the forest and around the tourney field. Ben just told me I had disappointed him. That I had been faking it the whole time, that I had failed. He had found my spell book.

Something inside me had been broken, and I need someone to fix it for me. I need Evie. I need someone to put together the puzzle in my heart, to tell me it'd all be okay, and that person was always Evie. When I finally reach our dorm room, with my breath quick and my forehead damp with sweat, she wasn't even there. I flop onto my bed and turn over, tangling myself in my comforter and pillows. 

I thought I already had my happily ever after; I was with Ben and I was an Auradon girl. But as the pressure mounted, I felt more and more like I didn't belong. I always knew I didn't really belong here, with all the spells keeping people from realizing I was still Maleficent's daughter, still an Isle girl. Everyone thought I was the perfect, pretty, kind Auradon girl I pretended to be, and now I had ruined it all. Everyone loved that girl, not me. 

I scream into my pillow and sob, angry with myself. Slowly, I run out of energy to cry and just lay there quietly, listening to my breath. I finally sit up.

Evie wouldn't understand. She always did, but she hadn't caught on to the stress I've been under. I would have told her directly about it but I just couldn't, because I knew she wouldn't get it. She was happy in Auradon; Doug loved her for who she really was: a girl who loved Auradon, who was a perfect fairytale girl. An Auradon girl. Not like me. 

"I don't belong here," I sob as I grab a notecard and pen from the bedside table. I decide, I'm going back. I write a quick note to Evie.


I've gone back to the Isle. Do not follow me. I'm not happy in Auradon and I'm a phony. I love you.


I place it on her pillow and accidentally let a tear fall onto her bed. I pull off my promise ring from Ben and place it on the pillow next to the note. I wipe my eyes and grab my leather jacket and pull my hair into a bun, still crying. I pull on my combat boots and stuff my phone, some snacks, some clothes, my spell book, and, of course, my mother, into my backpack, and sneak outside so no one spots me in my Isle clothes. I find the motorcycle Ben got for me in the school parking lot, and hop on. 

I ride off the main road to the beach, and I pull out my spell book.

"Noble steed, proud and fair, you shall take me anywhere," I read out from a page in my spell book titled 'Vehicle Magic'. Green sparkles shine around me and I ride out onto the water, and my motorcycle glides on top of the water like it's glass. I grin through my tears. How's that for magic, Ben?

My magic lets me through the barrier, a rush that feels like an ocean wave coming over me. I land on an off-street on the East end of the Isle, and spot a poster of me and Ben that reads "Princess from the Isle", but someone crossed out my face and wrote "Traitor" over it. I bite my lip and pull the poster down, ripping it up, and throw it behind me. I feel my edge, my true personality, come over me. I smile evilly and ride my motorcycle to the VK's old lair.

Evie -

I get back from another boring date with Doug, which consisted of a walk in the park, with him still blabbing on and on again about how impressed he was by my smarts when we first met. Like no one can be more than a pretty face.

I sigh as I open the door to Mal's and my dorm, and I immediately sense that something's wrong. I scan the room. Mal's bed is a mess, and the box where she stores all her old stuff is open on the floor. Maleficent isn't in her terrarium next to the door anymore, and... oh shit, there's a note on my pillow. I scurry over and immediately read it. Next to it is... Mal's promise ring. I unfold the paper and read it as fast as I can.

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