i'm your girl

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Mal -

I dance with Evie for what feels like a blissful forever. Throughout the night, Sage, Lonnie, Jane, and many others approach us and congratulate us. Some people still give us judgmental looks, but neither of us care. I notice Audrey trying to talk to Ben throughout the night, despite Ben's clearly intentional avoidance of her.

As the sky darkens, the bright crescent moon is the main source of light. The music slows down as the crowd grows more and more tired. Evie and I take a break to get some snacks from the buffet table, and then head back to the dance floor for a slow dance. We waltz to the smooth, slow, melodic music along with other couples. Evie rests her face on my shoulder while we dance.

"This is the happiest I've ever been," Evie whispers.

"Same," I reply with a happy sigh.

Finally, the music stops and blue and yellow fireworks are shot up into the sky. I take Evie's hand and we leave the boat and start walking to our dorm, before the crowd follows. I notice that Evie is shivering, so I stop walking and give her another hug.

"I guess I forgot to make jackets. Oh well," Evie whispers, her head on my shoulder again. I look up at the sky and notice the moon again, bright and nearly golden against the dark blue sky. In the distance, the ever-present cloud above the Isle is even lit up by the moonlight.

Evie notices that I'm looking at something, so she turns and looks too.

"Woah," she mumbles. "I need to make a dress inspired by that." I giggle at her pure passion for fashion. She turns back and looks at me, her hands in mine.

"I love you, Mal," she says.

"I love you." Without realizing what we're doing, we both start leaning in to each other's faces, and our foreheads touch again. I pull her into a hug, feeling the romance of the moment. We pull apart and walk to our dorm, silent. I wonder what it would feel like to kiss Evie.

Evie -

As soon as we reach our dorm room, we briskly change into our pajamas and immediately flop into bed. I curl up under my covers and Mal comes over and kisses my forehead before getting into her bed.

"Night, E," she whispers.

"Night, M," I whisper back.

I wonder what it would feel like for her lips to be on mine. I think as I fall asleep.

My eyes open the next day to my alarm's shrill ring. I pick up my phone and turn off the alarm; 6am, my usual wakeup time. I immediately hop out of bed and head to the bathroom to wash my face. When I come back, Mal is slowly waking up.

"Morning, sleepyhead," I chuckle. She rubs her eyes and yawns loudly.

"Morning, earlybird," she replies with a snort. I take my time getting dressed, as it's my favorite part of the day. I finally settle on a white crop top with a blue leather skirt, plus my combat boots from the Isle. I like these shoes more than my Auradon heels anyway.

By the time I'm done putting on my makeup, Mal is dressed in black mom jeans and a green t-shirt. We head out to the cafeteria, not even thinking about the fact that our hands are intertwined with everyone watching.

We enter the now familiar mahogany cafeteria, filled with round wooden tables and chairs and lined with many buffet tables. We get plates from the table by the entrance and get in line with the other students.

I take a deep breath as I sense the attention on Mal and I. It's just a sort of feeling throughout the room that people are paying attention to us. I don't really care what they think, but it's a really uncomfortable feeling. It's like when Carlos, Mal, Jay and me all came to Auradon for the first time, and everyone would always be staring and super suspicious of us. I take a deep breath and focus back on what matters; Mal and me.

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