summer daydream

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Evie -
The first week of summer floated by with glasses of lemonade and sunshine.

Today, the first day of the second week of summer break, Mal and I are going to tour a cottage that I should be able to afford with all the money I've made selling dresses. Since pretty much every girl at Auradon Prep bought a dress from me, and they're handmade, so they're expensive, I've racked up a large profit. And I've always dreamed of having my own home in the forest. And of course, I need my M to live there with me for it to be my real happy ever after.

Most of the Auradon kids have already left their dorms and headed home to their parents, but us VK's are still in the dorms, because of the whole, y'know, parents being "the worst villains in the land" thing. But anyway, it was fun being the only four students in the dorms.

After eating breakfast, delivered by the royal cooks (who were hired to make our meals over the summer, since the usual cafeteria staff are also on break), we get dressed for our day out. I wear a red, silk, puff-sleeve blouse I sewed myself, as well as my favorite black boyfriend jeans, and Mal wears her favorite green hoodie and a pair of distressed black jorts. We both wear our Isle combat boots, which we have started to wear most days. We don't care that they aren't in style here in Auradon; we like them.

We walk through the oddly quiet, empty halls of Auradon Prep, heading out to the parking lot to get on Mal's motorcycle. We pass by the library, which is usually bustling with students; studying, socializing, gossiping, reading, but today is completely empty. We pause in front of the entry, hands clasped.

"This is so surreal," I mutter. I'm about to say more but then her eyes lock on mine.

Her emerald green eyes, almost glittery with magic, put me in a trance. If I described it more, I'd sound like one of those fairytale princesses describing her bland Prince Charming. But God, she's incredible. I try to word something to say to her in my head, something to capture how wholly and deeply I love her, something to describe how I want to be by her side no matter what, how I love her light and her darkness, how I love even the parts of her that she hates, how cute her smile is, how her laugh makes me want to scream from joy and cry at the same time, how even her dumbest jokes make me laugh, how no matter what I'll love her, for longer than forever. I laugh at my own internal monologue. "Love is really turning me into one of those cheesy fairytale princesses," I say, chuckling and resting my head on her shoulder, closing the space between our bodies. I can feel both our heartbeats at once, and it's thrilling.

"You're my fairytale," Mal says, then chuckles. "Damn, I sound like Ben, all soft and wholesome," she says, pulling away from me. I sense embarrassment in her face. I put my hand on her cheek and smile.

"I love your soft side, M," I mutter, a smile stretching across my face. "And your tough side, because it's part of you, and every part of you is beautiful to me." I stare into her eyes for a second, and then realize how cheesy I sounded, and snort. "Geez, where is all this Auradon-y talk coming from?"

Mal laughs and takes my hand again, and we start walking to the parking lot. But in the middle of the hall, she stops us again.

"What's wrong, M?" I ask, immediately worried. She looks back at me with tears in her eyes and a huge smile on her face. She quickly pulls me into a hug, silent. I start crying too, from pure joy. She still doesn't say anything, probably because emotions kinda freak her out, but I can tell she's thinking 'what did I do to deserve this?'

"You're you," I whisper, before she can come to the conclusion that she doesn't deserve love this deep, this whole, this complete. "That's what." She sobs and I hug her tighter.

After crying a bit more, we realize we're going to be late for the tour of the cottage, so we run out to Mal's motorcycle and ride it out into Grimwhite forest, the forest closest to Auradon central. It's technically the land my mother used to rule over as Queen Grimhilde, hence the name Grimwhite. Snow White and her daughter Nieve live in the more built up part of Grimwhite, further west from Auradon Prep.

happy ever after ☆ mevieWhere stories live. Discover now