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Evie -

The first two weeks in our new home flew by. We slowly settled into our new routines. Most days we would just stay home or explore the area around our cottage, and also work on unpacking. We discovered a lovely sunny valley just a short walk from our house, perfect for picnics. We also spent time walking deeper into the woods and observing the nature around us. Most of the time, though, we were just spending time together in our new home. We went through our photos and Mal's sketches and chose some to hang up around the house. Our beautiful house was becoming more and more home as each day passed.

We were getting ready to go out to Auradon City, as Ben had a royal proclamation that everyone was supposed to hear, and we didn't have a TV yet and weren't sure that our new wifi would work well enough for our phones to pick up the livestream. I wear a simple white mini dress with red detailing (my first finished piece that I made in my new studio) and Mal wears ripped black jorts and a green tee. We ride into town on Mal's motorcycle, and when we reach the castle we park in the parking lot behind Auradon Prep.

"It's been a while since we've been on campus," I say as we dismount the vehicle. "It's weird."

"Yeah," Mal says. "But it's also a nice reminder that we have a home of our own now," she says with a smile. I can't resist the urge to wrap her in a hug before we walk to the path to Auradon Square, where Ben would give his proclamation. A crowd of people have already gathered, and we spot Jay and Carlos on the outskirts. We immediately run up to them, excited to see them after a couple weeks apart.

"Hey!" Carlos says as he notices us. I crush him in a hug and Mal elbows Jay and ruffles Carlos's hair when she reaches them.

"It seems country life is treating you well," Jay says teasingly, elbowing Mal back.

"Yes, it is," I say, letting go of Carlos (who was smiling wide; he loves hugs) and glancing at Mal. We gaze into each other's eyes for a moment, then clasp hands and look back at the boys. Carlos was grinning wide, and Jay was smiling.

"What?" I ask, confused why they were just silently staring.

"Well, we're just happy for you guys," Jay says.

"Yeah," Carlos says, putting his arm around Jay's shoulder.

I smile and glance at Mal, who's smiling too. I lean my head on her shoulder, and Mal puts her arm around me and says "Thanks, guys," with her adorable, sheepish smile.

Mal -

Soon, the royal trumpets sound and Ben steps out onto the royal balcony that overlooks Auradon Square, with Lumiere, his assistant, close behind. He looks so small up on the huge balcony, and I'm reminded of how young he is to be king; a mere 17, as of the last couple months.

He slightly adjusts the microphone and starts speaking. "Dear citizens, today is the dawn of a new day for Auradon. I declare with pride and an open heart that I will be making some much needed changes to modernize our fair country." He paused for a moment, allowing the crowd to process. "I will be forming a new committee of representatives that will be the primary group that makes decisions regarding everything that I would usually be in charge of." He glances down to us, the VKs, and smiles. "Clearly, the current system of government in Auradon isn't functioning correctly, as these innocent people, along with hundreds of others, were and continue to be forced to live on the Isle of the Lost due to my father's disastrous mistake in deciding to lock all the villains away," he says, motioning to us.

I glance at Evie; I know she's thinking the same thing I am: Is he going to bring down the barrier? But then...

"So, to prevent more mistakes, I have decided to form this committee. It will be called the Board of Leaders. Each region of Auradon shall have one board member who lives in that region to represent them. This will ensure that the decisions we make for our country are determined by all the people who live in it. I shall be the organizer of the board, and so I will communicate with the people who want to make a proposal and organize the meetings. Any citizen, whether or not they are a member, may make a proposal to the Board of Leaders."

He pauses for a moment and observes the crowd's reaction and I do the same. People seem both relieved and anxious. None of these people have ever lived under a system that wasn't a monarchy. Technically, we VK's haven't either, but it felt much less like a monarchy on the Isle; more like the monarchy forced us to be there and we slowly made up our own system of how things worked.

"I shall announce who the members will be this weekend, and the first meeting will be held next week. Please reach out to me through Luniere if you have any questions. Thank you so much, my dear citizens. Have a great afternoon." He finishes his speech and flashes his signature royal smile and wave, and exits. I take a deep breath, thinking through everything he just said.

"Well, that's big news," Jay says.

"Yeah," Evie mutters, with a smile and that optimistic, ambitious glint in her eye.

"What are you planning, E?" I whisper to her, knowing that she's thinking of something big.

"I'm gonna propose that they let more kids off the Isle," she says, proudly. I immediately smile.

"You mean we will," I say, putting my arm around her shoulder as she snuggles her head onto my shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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