you and me

702 17 3

Evie -

Mal and I hold hands as we follow the crowds of people toward the beach and the boat, where the cotillion is. We arrive, and walk down the 'red carpet' laid out over the sand, lined with fairy lights. Ben is standing next to the carpet and awkwardly waves at us. We walk over to him, not holding hands anymore.

"Hello," he says, awkwardly. "So, um, Mal, could we still do the same plan where you're announced once the party starts? You can wait in the back with me."

Mal looks back at me and I smile at her. She looks back at Ben and says "I want to go in with Evie."

I exhale nervously, still scared for everyone to know. But I want Mal to be by my side when Ben tells everyone that him and Mal aren't together anymore.

"Oh, um, okay," he says, all nervous. "I'll announce it at the beginning of the party then."

"Thanks," Mal says, awkwardly. Ben goes to the boat and disappears.

"Good job, M," I whisper to her. We enter the party, where some people are already dancing. We go to the deck in the back and sit on a bench.

"Are you as nervous as I am?" Mal asks.

"Yeah," I say. I look up at her and sense her nerves through her expression. I wish I could make things better, but there's not really anything I can do. Carlos and Jane enter holding hands, which distracts us for a bit.

"They're so cute together," I mutter. We whisper about how proud we are of Carlos while other guests wander in. Eventually, once the boat is full, the royal band plays the Auradon anthem and Ben takes the main stage. My heart is beating so fast it feels like it might burst out of my chest. Mal stands up and walks to the stage, and I protectively follow shortly behind, and stand next to the stage.

"Good evening, Auradon," Ben says, his voice a little shaky. "So, something has changed throughout the course of the week, making this event a bit less, uh, celebratory than expected." I clench my jaw with a bit of anger. Why can't we just celebrate Mal being an amazing person? The crowd's energy immediately drops, and Jay smiles at me from the other side of the boat.

Mal takes the stage next to Ben, and I wish I could go up there too and hold her hand.

"So, um," Ben looks at Mal, who looks out at the crowd. "Mal and I have decided to end our relationship."

The crowd erupts with whispers and gasps. Mal takes the microphone from Ben.

"It would have been an honor to be your queen," she says, maturely. "But this was a change that had to be made."

To my shock and horror, someone from the audience actually boos Mal. The crowd's whispers get louder, and I catch someone say "She probably just couldn't handle the pressures of being a royal." My heartbeat quickens even more, with pure anger. How dare someone assume that this is just a sad ending, not a happy beginning? After all, this was the beginning of all joy and happiness for her, and for me. For us. As a couple. A romantic couple. In love. We had found true love with each other, and that was the most beautiful thing in the world. 

Suddenly, overcome with a confusing combination of anger, excitement, pride, and adoration for Mal, I run up onstage and take Mal's hand. Surprised, she looks up at me. As we always do for each other, she immediately senses what's going on in my mind, and she smiles and hands me the microphone. Somehow, my heartbeat quickens even more. I feel my hand get sweaty on the microphone as I recognize faces in the audience; Doug, Lonnie, Jane, Sage, and many more. If I said the truth they would all know. They might judge me. Then, I look to the other side of the boat and see Jay and Carlos, both smiling wide. Then Mal taps my hand with her finger, and I look at her. When I look into her green eyes, I get that all-encompassing complete feeling again. Mal is my true love. I take a deep breath and hold the microphone up to my mouth.

"Mal broke up with Ben because..." I pause and look at Mal again. "Because Mal and I are in love. True love." I gain confidence as I talk. "She-she's the answer to all of my problems, and the reason for all of my happiness. She's my once upon a time and my happy ever after." I start genuinely laughing as the pressure and weight lifts from my chest. I look at her and say, loud and clear: "I'm in love with you, Mal." She laughs and starts tearing up. 

"I'm in love with you, Evie!" she cries, and crushes me in a hug. I hear Carlos and Jay cheering. We part and I look out at the crowd. They are clearly surprised, but they look happier than they did before I spoke. But I don't even care what they think. I look back at Mal and know that this is all that matters. I take Mal's hand, hand the microphone back to Ben, and we exit the stage. Carlos and Jay are standing right there and we all fall into an automatic group hug. I'm nearly sobbing with tears of joy, unconsciously trying to avoid ruining my makeup.

Ben gets back on the microphone and talks some more. "So, that's the news. I suppose this isn't really a cotillion anymore, since we're not celebrating Mal's entry into the royal court." He pauses and looks at Mal and I. He smiles. "But, hey, let's hear it for Mal and Evie!" he cries, still nervous, but I sense some joy in his voice. The crowd cheers, though a couple people still look upset. I sigh, still not really caring what they think. The music starts again and Ben says "Enjoy the night, everyone." 

I smile widely and grab Mal's hand, and pull her onto the dance floor. She spins me around and we dance in the middle of everyone, but it feels like it's just us. I can tell people are staring, but I don't care. I have my true love here with me, and she's happy, so I'm happy. We're happy. Together.

happy ever after ☆ mevieWhere stories live. Discover now