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Emily approached Jennifer after the game. "Hey, Jen do you wanna head back to the hotel room to take showers then maybe like go bowling or something?" Emily finally gulped out.

"Are you asking me out on a date Emily Prentiss?" Jennifer replied playfully.

"Yea- I mean I wanted to hang out with you but if you think it's a date I wouldn't- I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable Jen."

"Emily" Jennifer said as she placed her hands on Emily's wrists. "I would love to spend time with you," Jennifer said Smiling.

"Oh thank god, I am sorry if I didn't make you uncomfortable though," Emily started looking down.

I placed a finger under her chin guiding her eyes up to meet mine. "Em, it's okay."

Emily broke the eye contact again. "Em look at me." Once Emily meet Jennifer's eyes she continued "You didn't make me uncomfortable, now you said something about going to take showers then you were gonna take me bowling wanna go do that? Jennifer said.

"Jennifer you are something else," Emily said as they walked back to the bus.

The brunette and blonde companions made their way up to the hotel to take showers. Jennifer went first as she had been; they had gotten a little routine started. They switched off then Jennifer got dressed. Emily made sure not to take long in the shower as she wanted to spend the most time with the blonde that she could. Even though they had been pretty much insuperable these past couple of days.

"Hey, are you ready to go?" Emily asked as she walked out of the bathroom drying her hair with a towel.

"Yeah, I'm ready whenever you are," Jennifer said softly.

"Let's go then," Emily said smiling.

The two made their way out of the hotel, and out on the sidewalk. Emily did her research and found a bowling alley within walking distance from the hotel. Jennifer slipped her hand into Emily's as they walked to the bowling alley. Once they arrived Emily let go of her hand, but only to open the door for her. "Thank you," Jennifer said smiling. Emily just smiled back and they walked up to the counter.

"What size shoes can I get for you ladies today?" The man at the counter asked.

"I need a size nine and ten please," Emily said as she placed her shoes and Jennifer's shoes on the counter.

"You lady's enjoy yourself tonight." The man said as he handed them their shoes.

Emily and Jennifer walked until they made it to a free lane to sit down and put their shoes on.

"These are so much different than cleats," Jennifer said.

"Jennifer Jareau have you never been bowling?" Emily asked shocked that the blonde had never been bowling.

"Emily Prentiss I have not been bowling before," Jennifer said matching the enthusiasm of the brunette.

"Well, it looks like you're gonna get your ass beat tonight because I happen to be amazing at bowling," Emily said joking around with the blonde.

"Mhn I'm not so sure, I pick up fast."

"I guess we will just have to see then," Emily said as she went to type their names in on the computer.

"Not so fast there Prentiss," Jj said smiling.

Emily stood there confused about what Jennifer was talking about.

"If you win you can stay the best at bowling."

"And if you win?" Emily asked.

"You have to take me to spend time with you again." Jennifer said using air quotations around "spend time."

"Alright, that sounds like a good deal because like I said Jennifer I'm gonna beat your ass, so keep your calendar clear for me," Emily said laughing

The two of them played a fair round of bowling, and Jennifer was right she did pick up fast she and I were tied. I was up first for the last round. I knocked down five pens then proceeded to knock down the last five resulting in a spare. Jennifer needed to get a strike beat me, and that girl did just that. Jennifer walked back to where Emily was standing.

"I think you just got your ass beat," Jennifer said laughing. Not even a second after she finished speaking she saw Emily's face drop.

"Good job Jen, I think we should probably head back before dinner." Jennifer could tell that the brunette was upset but was trying to show her excitement for the blonde.

"Yeah, we probably should," Jennifer said as she walked up next to Emily holding her bowling shoes to get her regular shoes back. "Let me carry them for you," Emily asked gesturing towards Jennifer's shoes. Jennifer didn't mind she handed the shoes to Emily.

Once they got their regular shoes back on. 24.52 the man said.
"Give me just a second." Emily grabbed her wallet and pulled out 40$ and handed it to the man "Keep the change." Emily said as she and Jennifer walked towards the door and made their way into the night.

Emily was quiet the whole time they were walking and she was upset so Jennifer decided to say something.

"Emily, what's wrong?" Jennifer said as stopped and stood in front of the brunette.


"Are you upset about not being the number one at bowling anymore?"

Emily shook her head no.

"Are you upset because you wanted to take me to hang out again?"

Emily just kinda stood there without a response indicating that was the reason she was upset.

Jennifer noticed and placed arms around Emily's neck and pulled her into a hug. After a few minutes, Jennifer pulled away but kept her arms loosely hanging around the brunette's neck. "Em, why are you upset about that," Jennifer asked hoping she would get an honest answer.

"Because I enjoy being around you a lot, and I want to be able to spend time with you whenever I can," Emily said being honest and truthful with the blonde

Jennifer whipped a single tear-off of the brunette's face that she wouldn't have been able to see without the dim lighting from the street light.

"Eyes on me Em." Emily looked down into those light blue orbs that she adored. "You are one of my favorite people ever and I enjoy being around you too. It was just a stupid bet I would love for you to still take me to spend time together." Jennifer finished.

Now Emily whipped a tear-off of Jennifer's face.

"Are you sure?" Emily asked for reassurance.

"I am," Jennifer said hugging the brunette again.

The two parted and walked back to the hotel. Emily didn't waste a single second and went back to holding the blonde's hand like she was earlier.

word count: 1,128

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