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Once they were on the bus Coach had decided to take them out to lunch, they went to Dicks last resort. It was an experience, to say the least. Half of the girls didn't understand why they were being rude, cursing the other half to keep laughing. This is what everyone's hat said.

Coach- "Viagras #1 customer"
Emily- "Hi I'm stupid."
Jennifer- "I'm with stupid."
Monica- "Disney princess reject."
Stephanie- "Ho Fo Sho."
Emma- "More highlights than ESPN."
Harper- "Hi! I'm the village's idiot!"
Lola- "40 y/0 virgin in the making"
Casey- "Thank god for make-up"
Janiyah- " Imagine me with personality"
Layla- "I pee in pools."

Everyone laughed at everyone's hat even though they couldn't see their own until the end, they had an amazing time and enjoyed lunch. When they were done they made their way outside and got on the bus.

"Thank you for an amazing season and I can't wait until next month when we go to nationals." Coach said before the bus took off.

We made it back to the hotel for our last stay. When Jennifer and I got into our hotel room, she showered first.

"Jen do you wanna watch a show while we fall asleep," Emily asked as she got up to take a shower.

"Yeah, I'll turn it on," Jennifer said smiling.

Emily didn't take long in the shower, once she got out she got dressed and then put her products in her hair. When she finished in the bathroom she walked into the room she didn't even think about her bed she immediately made it into the blondes.

"What show did you pick," Emily asked softly.

"Friends," Jennifer said in reply.

"I always loved Rachel," Emily said smiling.

"I mean Rachel was cool, but Phoebe was the best character on the show."

"True Phoebe was honestly a cool character but I just loved Rachel, probably an unhealthy amount,"  Emily said laughing.

"So what I'm hearing is that my competition is Rachel Green."

"No definitely not, Rachel doesn't begin to compare to you, Jennifer."

"Emily." Jennifer stared softly as she looked a the brunette in front of her.

"Yes," Emily said, she wasn't scared to talk to the blonde anymore.

"What are we doing, what is this," Jennifer said looking down.

Emily got scared but she didn't care anymore.  "I don't know what we're doing, but I'm enjoying it nonetheless," Emily said smiling at the blonde.

"I am too." The blonde said. She was thinking about how far she had come, and how far Emily has came. They were both growing together and that's all they cared about at this moment.

They fell asleep in the same bed legs tangled together. They didn't want to wake up in the morning, they didn't wanna leave and head back home.

Emily woke up first, she got up out of bed and started cleaning and packing everything up so when Jennifer woke up we could just check out and get on the bus.

It took Emily about 25 minutes to clean the whole hotel room and get everything back in the bags and the bathroom vanity was the most difficult task. She never realized how much stuff she had. Once Emily was done she arranged their bags onto her bed. Jennifer had not moved since Emily had to be woken up.

"Jennifer, wake up," Emily said softly moving the blonde.

"Good morning, how'd you sleep," Emily asked looking down at the blonde.

"I slept good but I'm still really tired,"  Jennifer replied honestly, she wished she could have gone back to bed.

"Well we have about 10 minutes till check out, and we should probably make it downstairs so we get good seats on the bus and you could even take a nap," Emily said smiling.

"Oh yeah definitely, but I still call the window seat."

"No problem, you know you always get it every time."

"Yeah, I like that about you," Jennifer admitted.

"What?" Emily asked confused about what the blonde's meaning was behind that.

"You always try to make me more comfortable in a situation, I appreciate that about you."

"Of course Jen always."

The two grabbed their bags and made their way out of their hotel room for the final time. They returned the room keys at the front desk. Then they made their way to the bus.

When they got on the bus only Harper, Casey, and Emma were there. They got to choose the seats they wanted. No surprise the bust started to fill up after they got settled in.

"Alright girls we are now on our way back home, We will be attending nationals, I haven't been informed where it will be taking place but I will let you guys know when I find out. It's gonna be next month, and we will play 4 games and if and when we win those four games we get to play in the final round for a chance to win the nationals trophy." Coach said smiling at his girls. We honestly were all tired so we settled for smiles as a response.

Jennifer layed down on Emily's lap at this point it became a routine and they wouldn't have had it any other way.

Emily was scared about making it back, she knew everyone's parents would be there beside hers. Emily had gotten used to it, but she still never really wanted that to be her reality.

They had arrived at the school after an hour and some odd amount of minutes. Emily woke Jennifer up letting her know that we had arrived.

All the kids ran out to find their mom or dads. Emily just stayed behind on the bus, she gave it a second to die down before she went and grabbed her bag.

"Emily come here." I heard someone say, I look behind me and it's Mary. That had brought a smile to my face, Jennifer's parents always made me feel welcome in their home, and I never really knew how to process it or react but I tried.

Jennifer was already in the car with her dad when Mary had made her way toward Emily.

"How was state," Mary asked after she hugged the brunette.

"State was really good, we had a good time," Emily said smiling.

"Jennifer was telling me about how you blocked almost every shot that came your way?"

"Only a couple of them got past," Emily said smiling. "But the real star of the show was Jennifer, I think she outplayed the game itself," Emily said with an even bigger smile on her face than before.

"That's one the about Jennifer she always tries her hardest to be the best," Mary said agreeing with Emily.

"She's the best at everything she does in my opinion."

Mary looked down at her watch "Oh Emily I'm so sorry but I have to get going I have a doctor's appointment."

"Of course, thank you Mary I'll see you soon," Emily said after hugging the older blonde.

Word count: 1,175

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