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The team made their way into the bus before they drove off. Coach started to talk.

"Girls, today is the day I hope all of you slept well and are ready to play the best you can understand."

The team replied with "Understood."

This was the longest the team had to drive to get to the field they were playing at it was only a twenty-minute drive.

Jennifer had asked me if she could take a nap and of course, I said yes. She had layed her head down on my lap, I played with her hair and she was put within minutes.

We had arrived at the field, meaning I had to wake Jennifer up.

"JJ wake up," Emily said softly shaking her. She woke up almost instantly. "How was your nap?"

"It was good thank you for asking," Jennifer said smiling. One thing Jennifer always loved about Emily was that she always called her JJ around other people and only Jennifer in private. She didn't know the reason why Emily did that but she loved it nonetheless.

"JJ, Emily let's go." Coach said.

They made their way out of the bus grabbed their bags and made their way to the field, there were already fans crowding the seats. The other team still hadn't shown yet, meaning we get to practice on the field first. They ran plays for about fifteen minutes before the other team showed up. They made their way into the locker room so that the other team had time to run their plays as well.

They all got changed into their uniforms.

"My team my lovely team. You guys are amazing and I love you guys so much, I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you guys. So with that being said, we are going to go out there have a good time, and best some ass." Jennifer said smiling as she lead her team out onto the field. They ran a couple of drills before they heard the announcer. Once the oath was over the team made their way onto the field to get into position. While Emily, Jennifer, and Coach made it to the center field.

The referee said, "Call it in the air dragons."

The coin made it into the air. "Tails." Both Emily and Jennifer said at the same time.

The referee moved his hand "Tails" "Dragons would you like to kick first or second. "Second," Emily replied. "Eagle's you will be kicking first and Dragons second."

With that Coaches left, referees took their spots and the players got into positions.

Once the eagles kicked that ball the game was started.

Jennifer had been on her wit's end, she was so frustrated with a girl on the opposing team. She wouldn't stay off of her it's like they hired a professional guarder who wouldn't let her get the ball.

After a time out, a new play, and a smile from Emily. Jennifer had calmed down and scored a point.

After about 15 minutes of constant running back and forth, Harper scored a goal.

We were into the second half of the game with two points Jennifer had just scored us a third one with the kickoff.

The opposing team had gotten three points bringing the score 3-3.

There was 1 minute left on the clock and we had a corner kick, Jennifer kicked it halfway across the field to Lola and Monica. They knew to keep that ball in their team's possession until Jennifer made it down that field.

Jennifer had made it down the field and got a pass directly from Monica with only a few seconds left Jennifer shot the goal and scored. Everyone started cheering and Jennifer stood there in shock, not realizing that they just won their game and they are going to nationals. It wasn't until her team came up and started a group hug that she saw the scoreboard and realized what had just happened.

Once they left their group hug they high-fived the other team. The announcer left his announcing box and made his way down to the field with a man who was holding a trophy that looked official.

"We grant this trophy to the team who won all four state championships games, and the person who made the final tie breaking shot. Jennifer Jareau." The whole team huddled together with their trophy and took pictures. Once they were done with pictures Coach called them back into the locker room.

"Guess what are ready to be worn." Coach said enthusiastically. "Our shirts." The team replied.

"Yes, everyone come grab them." Once they had all gotten their shirts in they went out onto the field. Before Jennifer could leave Emily stopped her.

"Hey, I'm so proud of you that shot was amazing. Also good job, you kept going after that bitch wouldn't get off of you. You did great today Jennifer." Emily said smiling at the blonde.

She hugged Emily she felt like that had been her new reaction anytime she saw her she just wanted to hug her. Once they parted Jennifer continued.

"Thank you, Emily, really thank you it means a lot." She said smiling.

They made their way back onto the field and took more pictures with the team in their homemade shirts. Once they were done with pictures for a second time they made their way into the locker room grabbing their bags and making sure they had everything when they were done. We made our way to the bus.

Word count: 928

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